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Created page with "Nicole Nowlen JC-001-000100-113 Witness Location: LIBRARY, INJURED 11k page report – Columbine witness testimony == JC-001-000100 == Nowlen, Nicole == JC-001-000101 == PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Arvada Police Department NARRATIVE Ref #99-12067 Reported Date 04-20-1999 Time 12:39:32 Type ASSTOA Status RTF Location 6201 S Pierce St DET116 06-28-1999 06-23-99/BOATRIGHT/SH Connecting to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Dept. CR#99-7625 On 05-04-99,..."
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Nicole Nowlen


Witness Location:


11k page report – Columbine witness testimony


Nowlen, Nicole



Arvada Police/Court System

Arvada Police Department


Ref #99-12067

Reported Date 04-20-1999

Time 12:39:32


Status RTF

Location 6201 S Pierce St

DET116 06-28-1999


Connecting to Jefferson County Sheriff’s Dept.


On 05-04-99, Det. Boatright (IO) was assigned lead #DN3208, requesting he contact and interview Nicole Nowlen. Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed property belonging to Nicole Nowlen had been found in the library subsequent to the incident occurring on 04-20-99. It was determined IO would conduct an interview with Nicole Nowlen to confirm her whereabouts during the incident and any information she had relevant to the investigation.

On 05-06-99 at approximately 1230 hours, IO met with Nicole Nowlen and her father, Kent Nowlen at [REDACTED]. Upon contact with Nicole Nowlen, IO confirmed her full name is Nicole Marie Nowlen, age 16, DOB: 12-04-82. Nicole Nowlen verified she does, in fact, reside with her father at the above listed address. Nicole Nowlen indicated she is presently a sophomore at Columbine High School, however, had only been attending school at Columbine for approximately seven weeks prior to the incident. Prior to that, Nicole Nowlen indicated she lived with her mother in South Dakota. As a point of clarification, Kent Nowlen remained for the interview.

IO subsequently requested Nicole Nowlen provide an account of her activities on 04-20-99, beginning at the time she arrived at school. Nicole Nowlen told IO she normally receives a ride to school from her father, as was the case this date. Nicole Nowlen stated she believed her father dropped her off at school at approximately 0630 hours. Nicole Nowlen stated she was dropped off by her father near the east main entrance to the school. Nicole Nowlen stated when she arrived at school on 04-20-99, she did not make any unusual observations. Nicole Nowlen did explain it was her routine to be dropped off at school around 0630 hours, in order to facilitate her father getting to work on time.

Nicole Nowlen explained when she arrived at school each morning (which included 04-20-99), she went to her first period class, which she identified as “Food Experience,” which was taught by “Mrs. Zerr.” According to Nicole Nowlen, her “Food Experience” class was located on the North side of the high school. Nicole Nowlen pointed out, even though her first period class did not start till 0730 hours, she would almost always go to Mrs. Zerr’s class, where the two of them normally spent time “talking” until school started. IO confirmed with Nicole Nowlen, she remembered having a miscellaneous conversation with Mrs. Zerr on 04-20-99, when she arrived at school. IO further verified with Nicole Nowlen; she remained in her first period class until it started at 0730 hours. Nicole Nowlen stated that class ended at approximately 0820 hours.

Nicole Nowlen indicated she then went to her second period class, which she identified as “American Lit.” Nicole Nowlen


stated her second period class begins at approximately 0825 hours and concludes at approximately 0915 hours. Nicole Nowlen identified her “American Lit” instructor as “Mrs. Nykanen.” According to Nicole Nowlen, her “American Lit” class is located in the center section/main level of the high school.

Nicole Nowlen related she then went to her third period class, which she identified as “Student Assistant.” Nicole Nowlen stated she was the Student Assistant for the Attendance Office during third period. Nicole Nowlen related her third period class begins at 0920 hours and concludes at approximately 1015 hours. Nicole Nowlen explained her Student Assistant duties primarily consist of picking up attendance sheets, as well as delivering messages.

According to Nicole Nowlen, she did engage in those activities on 04-20-99 and specifically, recalled staying on the East side of the building. Nicole Nowlen clarified there were other Student Assistants who would have gone to other locations in the school during the course of performing their duties. When asked if she noticed anything unusual when performing her student assistant functions during third period, Nicole Nowlen responded in the negative.

Nicole Nowlen reported she then attended her fourth period class, which started at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximately 1110 hours. Nicole Nowlen identified her fourth period class as “Geometry” which is taught by “Mr. DiManna.” Nicole Nowlen stated her “Geometry” class is located on the main level of the school in the math area.

Nicole Nowlen reported after her fourth period class ended, she then went to her locker which was located between the “gymnasium hall and office.” Nicole Nowlen was unable to recall her specific locker number. Nicole Nowlen stated after going to her locker, she thought she possibly stopped at the restroom. Nicole Nowlen confirmed she is assigned “A lunch” and normally uses that time to go to the library or some other empty classroom where she can do homework. Nicole Nowlen stated on 04-20-99, she had decided to go the library in order to complete her math homework. Through additional questioning, Nicole Nowlen acknowledged she normally went to the library during her “A lunch” break.

Nicole Nowlen continued with her explanation by stating, after stopping at the restroom, she then walked directly to the library. Nicole Nowlen estimated she arrived at the library “about the time the bell rang.” IO verified with Nicole Nowlen she was referring to the 11:15 bell. Pursuant to questioning, Nicole Nowlen stated at the time she arrived to the library, she was carrying a dark green backpack with a “Nike key chain” attached to the zipper. Nicole Nowlen indicated she did not notice anything unusual prior to arriving at the library.

Nicole Nowlen stated when she entered the library, she “looked


around for an open table.” Nicole Nowlen stated that she subsequently walked back to what is identified as table #5. Nicole Nowlen confirmed no one else was located at the table when she arrived. Nicole Nowlen was provided with a diagram of the library and subsequently placed an “X” on table #5, indicating the location she went to when she initially arrived. Nicole Nowlen further indicated she initially sat at the Southwest corner of table#5.

When asked if she observed any other individuals in the library when she arrived, Nicole Nowlen responded in the affirmative. Nicole Nowlen clarified that she did not actually know any of these individuals by name but remembered seeing various people seated at tables in the far East section of the library. Nicole Nowlen was subsequently asked to identify the location of those individuals she recalled seeing when she arrived at the library.

Nicole Nowlen initially placed an “X” on table #1, indicating she believed there was one male student seated at that location. Nicole Nowlen next placed an “X” on table #2, stating she believed there were at least six females seated at that table. When looking at table #3, Nicole Nowlen stated, based on her recollection of that date, she did not remember seeing anyone seated at that table. Nicole Nowlen then placed an “X” on table #4, indicating that was the location of “Kelly Fleming.” IO verified with Nicole Nowlen, she learned the name of Kelly Fleming after the incident, via a media source. Nicole Nowlen next placed an “X” on table #6, stating that was the original location of John Tomlin. Again, Nicole Nowlen stated she did not know John Tomlin by name at that time and, subsequently, identified that individual through a media source.

Nicole Nowlen estimated she had been in the library approximately five to ten minutes, when she started hearing a “banging noise” which she believed was coming from somewhere overhead. Nicole Nowlen stated she initially thought it was possible the librarians were the source of that noise due to the fact there had been some work done in the library the past “couple of days.” According to Nicole Nowlen, she was not overly concerned about the noise, reiterating she simply assumed the librarians were doing “work in the library.”

Nicole Nowlen stated, within “a couple of minutes” hearing the initial “banging noises,” she observed a female “student” in her late teens, with dark brown shoulder length hair enter the library. Nicole Nowlen stated it seemed as though the female was looking for the librarian and even recalled the aforementioned asking for “Mrs. Keating.” Nicole Nowlen stated the female student asked for Mrs. Keating loud enough that it attracted the attention of several people. Nicole Nowlen stated she noticed the female student was in the company of a male student. Nicole Nowlen related she next heard the female student state, “he’s been shot,” referring to the male student in her company.


Nicole Nowlen related she initially thought this was some type of “senior prank” and was basically unconcerned. Nicole Nowlen stated that she the lost sight of where the female and male student went, and her attention was then directed to a “different lady.” Nicole Nowlen stated she did not specifically recognize the “lady,” but knew she had light colored hair. When asked what the lady was doing, Nicole Nowlen stated when she first observed her, she was using the phone. Nicole Nowlen reported the reason her attention was drawn to the “lady” was due to the fact that she was “screaming at us to get under the tables.” Nicole Nowlen stated the “lady” repeated those requests several times.

When asked what occurred at that point, Nicole Nowlen stated, “No one was freaking out yet, but people were starting to get under tables.” Nicole Nowlen confirmed it was at that point, she too attempted to conceal herself underneath table #5. Nicole Nowlen indicated to IO it was her belief by this point, everyone in the library had gotten underneath their tables, but pointed out she was basing that belief on the fact everyone on the far East side of the library had gotten underneath their tables. Nicole Nowlen pointed out she could not actually see into the center or far West section of the library; thus, she was uncertain as to other individuals’ specific actions.

IO confirmed with Nicole Nowlen when she positioned herself underneath table #5, she was on the far west side of the table, facing North. Nicole Nowlen indicated she remained in that position for approximately one to two minutes, during which time, she began to hear what she could identify as “gunshots.” Nicole Nowlen stated the gunshots appeared to be coming from somewhere in the hall, outside of the library. Nicole Nowlen related she also heard what she believed were “screams” which were coming from “downstairs” (referring to the commons area). Nicole Nowlen related around the time she began to hear the gunshots and the screaming, she then heard what she believed were at least two explosions.

Nicole Nowlen stated she believed the explosions were coming from the commons area, due to the fact, she remembered feeling the “floor shake.” Nicole Nowlen stated it was around this same time frame, she believed the school fire alarm was activated. Nicole Nowlen added she also remembered the library was “starting to get smoky.”

Nicole Nowlen reported it was her belief the suspects had not, as yet, entered the library, due to the fact she saw one of them “out in the hall.” When asked to elaborate, Nicole Nowlen stated based on where she was positioned (under table #5), she could look North through the library to a window which gave her a view out into the hall. Nicole Nowlen reported it was at that point, she saw a male subject walking North in the hall. When asked to describe that individual, Nicole Nowlen stated the aforementioned was a white male, with long wavy lighter colored hair. Nicole


Nowlen clarified the above statement by indicating the hair came to a length below the individual’s ears. Nicole Nowlen stated it did not appear as though the subject’s hair was well kept. Nicole Nowlen went on to state the aforementioned individual was wearing a black hat, which she thought was possibly a “beret,” due to the fact she did not remember seeing the bill of the cap. When asked if positive it was a “beret,” Nicole Nowlen responded in the negative, pointing out the reason she used the term “beret” was simply because she could not readily identify a bill for the cap. Nicole Nowlen went on to state the same individual was wearing what appeared to be a “black coat.” Nicole Nowlen stated she assumed it was a “trench coat,” however, only saw the subject from approximately the mid-torso up, thus she could not be positive of the length of the coat.

When asked what the subject in the hall was doing, Nicole Nowlen reiterated he was “walking,” indicating the individual was traveling in a Northerly direction. When asked if she made any other observations about the individual, Nicole Nowlen stated the individual in the hall seemed to be “looking around.” Nicole Nowlen then told IO she believed the person she saw standing in the hall was one of the subjects, due to the fact the person did not seem to be in any hurry and, knowing that there were precautions, such as crouching down or moving quickly.

Nicole Nowlen went on to state, after the incident, she had an opportunity to see media coverage of the incident and was relatively certain the person she saw in the hallway was Dylan Klebold. IO verified with Nicole Nowlen, she did not know Dylan Klebold prior to this incident.

Nicole Nowlen informed IO about the time she made the observation of the individual in the hall, she remembered looking up towards what is identified as table #2. Nicole Nowlen stated all of the girls at that table were now under the table and seemed to be “crying.” Nicole Nowlen related she had periodically heard some of the girls under that table screaming, but again, stated she did not believe the suspects had entered the library. Nicole Nowlen clarified to IO, based on her positioning under table #5, she had a clear view up to the entrance of the library and had not seen anyone enter or leave after getting under the table.

Nicole Nowlen stated based on the events which were occurring, she was very concerned if the suspects came into the library, she would really be visible. Nicole Nowlen stated at that point, she looked over towards table #6 and made eye contact with John Tomlin. Nicole Nowlen pointed out she had previously had a brief verbal contact with John Tomlin at the point she saw the suspect in the hall. Nicole Nowlen stated she had simply informed John Tomlin she had seen someone walking in the hall but did not elaborate.

Nicole Nowlen explained when making contact with John Tomlin the second time, she then asked if she could come over and get underneath his table. Nicole Nowlen stated, based on the position of table #6, she felt she could better conceal herself from anyone entering the


library. IO would note table #5 was open on the North and South side respectively, while table #6 was open on the East and West side respectively.

Nicole Nowlen stated after making contact with John Tomlin and requesting she be allowed to come to his table, the forenamed remained silent, but looked out from underneath his table (Northerly direction) to make sure it would be safe to move to that location. Nicole Nowlen stated after John Tomlin had looked up to the North for a moment, he then “waved me over.” According to Nicole Nowlen, she then crawled on her hands and knees over to table #6, positioning herself on the North end of the table (facing South) with her knees bent a pulled to her chest. Pursuant to questioning, Nicole Nowlen stated John Tomlin was in a similar position, however, his back was up against the South end of the table, facing North. Nicole Nowlen stated once she arrived under table #6, both “pulled the chairs in” around them to better conceal their position.

Nicole Nowlen stated it was around this time, she began to hear additional gunshots, which she believed were very close to the library. Nicole Nowlen stated to speak to John Tomlin as it related to her concerns, at which time he motioned to her to be quiet. Nicole Nowlen stated she assumed John Tomlin did not want to attract any attention back to their table. Nicole Nowlen told IO she had no idea whether or not the suspects had entered the library.

Nicole Nowlen stated as her fears began to increase, John Tomlin held her hand in an effort to provide some comfort. Nicole Nowlen stated she again tried to speak in order to tell John Tomlin she could not actually believe what was occurring. According to Nicole Nowlen, again John Tomlin motioned for her to be quiet.

Nicole Nowlen told IO it was at this point she confirmed the suspects had entered the library. When asked to elaborate, Nicole Nowlen stated she heard a male voice shout, “everybody get up.” Nicole Nowlen stated she believed that demand was repeated. Nicole Nowlen stated she could not be positive concerning that point, due to the fact, the voice appeared to be moving West through the library and became difficult to hear. Nicole Nowlen added, to her knowledge no one responded to the suspect’s demand.

Nicole Nowlen told IO her belief that the suspects had gone to the West side of the library was confirmed moments after she heard one of them state the above demand. Nicole Nowlen stated it was at that point, she could hear at least two voices, both of which were “whooping and hollering.” Nicole Nowlen stated she also verified her suspicions, due to the fact there were multiple gunshots and at least what she believed was one explosion that came from the far West side of the library Nicole Nowlen told IO she could not


identify the number of gunshots she heard, but remembered hearing both multiple and single gunshots, after which the “whooping and hollering” would begin. Nicole Nowlen stated in conjunction with the gunshots, she also heard “laughing” which she believed was coming from the suspects. Nicole Nowlen told IO, based on what she was hearing, it was obvious the suspects were “really having fun.” Nicole Nowlen told IO it was somewhat strange, in that the suspects seemed to be enjoying themselves and, up to that point, she had not heard them express any anger. When asked if she heard any other specific statements made by either of the suspects, Nicole Nowlen responded in the affirmative. Nicole Nowlen related again, after either a series of gunshots or a single gunshot, she would hear one of the suspects comment, “alright.”

Nicole Nowlen told IO she could not estimate the number of gunshots she heard coming from the far West side of the library, but reiterated she believed there was at least one explosion. Nicole Nowlen then went on to state she next heard the suspects up towards the front of the far East section. When asked specifically what she heard, Nicole Nowlen stated, “lots of shooting.”

Nicole Nowlen told IO she was too frightened to look back to see what was occurring but knew that the shots were being directed up towards tables #1 and #2. Nicole Nowlen went on to state she also heard the “girls” at table #2, begin to “really scream, they were really freaking out.” Nicole Nowlen told IO she was positive the suspects were now just North of where she was located on the far East section of the library.

Nicole Nowlen stated, after a long series of gunshots had stopped, she then heard a male suspect state, “Do you believe in God?” Nicole Nowlen indicated she then heard a female voice (directly North of her location) respond by stating, “no” and then stating “yes.” Nicole Nowlen related it was possible the female may have vacillated back and forth multiple times between yes and no. Nicole Nowlen told IO it was her impression the female was simply trying to answer the suspect in a manner which would not provoke additional gunshots.

Nicole Nowlen stated a short time after hearing the female responding to the male, she again heard gunshots, which she believed were being directed at tables #1, #2, or #4. Nicole Nowlen was certain the suspects were not shooting at table #3, due to the fact, she could see that table from her position underneath table #6. When asked if she could see anyone under table #3, Nicole Nowlen responded in the negative.

Nicole Nowlen stated the other reason she assumed the suspects were shooting at tables #1, #2, or #4, was due to the fact, “John seemed to be watching.” Nico1e Nowlen stated John Tomlin’s focus seemed to be up at the tables furthest North, rather than towards table #3, which was located in a more Westerly direction. Nicole Nowlen clarified John Tomlin was leaning to the East and to the West, looking up in a Northerly direction during that time frame. When asked if she


could identify the number of gunshots she heard which she believed were directed up towards tables #1, #2, or #4, Nicole Nowlen responded in the negative. Nicole Nowlen did indicate she knew it was more than one shot but could not be more specific. Nicole Nowlen did clarify she was certain the initial shooting which occurred when the suspects came to the East side of library was intense, in that numerous shots were fired.

Nicole Nowlen told IO, prior to hearing any additional shots, she then saw one set of black boots which she described as “combat” style. Nicole Nowlen stated she thought the toes on the boots were somewhat shiny and remembered seeing “a lot of laces.” Nicole Nowlen stated she believed the pants were dark in color but was unable to be more specific. In respect to where she initially saw the black boots, Nicole Nowlen stated they were to her “right,” meaning the suspect was standing on the West side of table #6 facing East.

Nicole Nowlen stated almost as soon as she made the observation concerning the black boots, she then saw a “gun pointed under our table.” Nicole Nowlen described the gun as having “one big barrel,” referring to the diameter. Nicole Nowlen added she believed the gun looked “long,” but was unable to be more specific. When asked if the weapon she saw at that time resembled anything like a pistol, Nicole Nowlen immediately responded in the negative. Nicole Nowlen went on to clarify the barrel end of the weapon was pointed directly under the table, “more towards the middle.”

Nicole Nowlen stated after making that observation, the weapon fired. Nicole Nowlen stated for a brief instant, she believed she saw “wood from the chair flying.” Nicole Nowlen clarified the wood was flying in her direction. Nicole Nowlen stated at the time the gun fired, she was uncertain if she had actually been hit, but remembered somehow being forced out from under the table (in an Easterly direction). Nicole Nowlen added as she continued to reflect on that point, she remembered the wood from the chair actually “sprayed” in her direction. Nicole Nowlen then pointed to the upper portion of her right back and stated there were wood splinters imbedded in her back that had to be removed after she was taken to the hospital.

Nicole Nowlen continued with her explanation by relating after she had been somehow forced out from under the table, she then realized it felt as though she had been struck. Nicole Nowlen stated at that point, she could not be certain as to whether or not she had been shot or somehow struck, which ultimately caused her to be forced out from underneath the table, Nicole Nowlen told IO after reflecting on this incident, she believed she had been shot in the abdominal area at that time. IO clarified with Nicole Nowlen the reason she was forced out from underneath the table was due to the fact she had been struck with some type of projectile in


the abdominal area. Nicole Nowlen clarified she still had five projectiles in her stomach, noting that three had entered and exited (path of travel West to East).

When asked what occurred after she was forced out from underneath the table, Nicole Nowlen stated it was possible there was a second gunshot which immediately followed. Nicole Nowlen related she thought John Tomlin had tried to “jump out” in order to avoid being shot by the second gunshot and, subsequently, landed on his stomach. Nicole Nowlen stated she then watched the feet of the individual who was standing just to the West of her table begin walking South. Nicole Nowlen then described that same individual walking around towards the South end of table #6 and standing “over” John Tomlin.

According to Nicole Nowlen, the suspect then fired the weapon at least one more time, striking John Tomlin in the head. When asked if she could see any more of the suspect at that point, Nicole Nowlen responded in the negative. Nicole Nowlen stated at that point, she could not actually see the suspect’s feet, but could see he had walked around the South end of the table and appeared to be moving in the direction of John Tomlin. IO then verified with Nicole Nowlen; John Tomlin was lying on his stomach on the East side of the table. Nicole Nowlen stated John Tomlin’s head and shoulders were past the South end of the table. Nicole Nowlen went on to state her legs were touching John Tomlin’s legs at the time he was shot.

Pursuant to questioning, Nicole Nowlen reiterated she knew John Tomlin had been shot at least one time, while lying on his stomach. Nicole Nowlen went on to state she believed the suspect had shot John Tomlin in the head. Nicole Nowlen stated she did not recall hearing any additional gunshots but did remember feeling John Tomlin’s “legs start shaking” after he had been shot. Nicole Nowlen stated it was as though John Tomlin began to have “convulsions” after being shot in the head. Nicole Nowlen reported, after a brief moment, John Tomlin’s body went still.

Nicole Nowlen stated after John Tomlin became motionless, she then saw the suspect’s feet walking back North on the West side of table #6. Nicole Nowlen stated she believed the suspect stopped in almost the same location he was at when he first began firing under their table. Nicole Nowlen then told IO she next heard the suspect state, “Are you still breathing?” Nicole Nowlen told IO she was not sure who the suspect was speaking to and could not even verify the suspect could see her at that point.

Nicole Nowlen described her position at that point as lying on her left side, facing towards the East wall. Nicole Nowlen told IO after hearing the suspect’s question, she did not respond and pretended to be dead. Nicole Nowlen clarified her eyes were also closed. Nicole Nowlen stated at that point she believes she lost consciousness and “blacked out.”

Nicole Nowlen told IO when she ultimately regained


consciousness, her first realization was that she could hear the “fire alarm.” Nicole Nowlen then stated when looking down toward her abdominal area, she could see she was bleeding. Nicole Nowlen told IO that she was not hearing any explosions or gunshots at that point. Nicole Nowlen added approximately 15 seconds after she awakened, she then began to hear gunshots, however, identified them as coming from another part of the building. IO clarified with Nicole Nowlen; she was indicating she was certain the gunshots were not coming from the library.

Nicole Nowlen related at that point; she was uncertain in terms of what she should do next. Nicole Nowlen clarified she had begun to hear people “moving,” but she was not sure if they were leaving the library or just moving to another location. Nicole Nowlen explained it soon became evident that people were trying to leave the library, at which time she began to yell out “help me.” According to Nicole Nowlen, she repeated the plea several times, however no one came to her aid.

Nicole Nowlen stated she subsequently “pulled myself up by the table” in an effort to get to her feet. Nicole Nowlen stated as she was pulling herself up onto the table, she saw a female student standing by the bookshelf near table #3. Nicole Nowlen stated that she then requested that person provide her assistance. Nicole Nowlen stated the female student did not move; however, she did not leave. Nicole Nowlen told IO she believed the female student remained at that location “waiting for me.”

Nicole Nowlen stated she eventually was able to pull herself up and stand on her own. Nicole Nowlen told IO it was at that point, she began to observe shotgun shells just to the East of Table #4, near the bookshelf area. When asked how many shotgun shells she observed, Nicole Nowlen was uncertain, but knew it was more than one. Nicole Nowlen was unable to be more specific concerning that point.

Nicole Nowlen stated she eventually made it to the location where the female student had been waiting. Through additional discussion, it was determined the female student referred to above was Patty Blair. Nicole Nowlen indicated when she arrived at that location, she began to follow Patty Blair and possibly others, West through the library and then North to the exit.

Nicole Nowlen stated when she arrived at the North exit to the library, she found the door “propped open.” Nicole Nowlen stated the door was propped open by some type of “machine.” Nicole Nowlen was unable to be more specific concerning that point. Nicole Nowlen stated once she exited the North door, she was able to see a marked police vehicle parked Northwest of her location. Nicole Nowlen told IO she then remembered a police officer yelling to her, requesting that she come to where he was located.

IO clarified with Nicole Nowlen; she was referring to a police officer who was positioned behind the marked patrol vehicle. Nicole Nowlen told IO, based on her recollection of the incident, she believed she was either the last, or one of the last, students to leave the library.


Nicole Nowlen clarified she did not see anyone following behind her as she left the library.

Nicole Nowlen stated she eventually made it to a position of cover behind the patrol vehicle, where she remained for approximately five minutes. Nicole Nowlen stated at that point she remembered laying on the ground and being talked to by other students. Nicole Nowlen stated during that same time frame, she believed she observed someone on the roof of the school, but she could not provide a description of that individual. Nicole Nowlen stated her observation was later confirmed when she hears other near where she was located making similar comments.

Nicole Nowlen stated after approximately five minutes, she was then moved to a shed area further west from the patrol vehicle. Nicole Nowlen explained she, along with the other students (both injured and non-injured) were then shuttled out by police vehicles. Nicole Nowlen recalled being driven through the “park” and taken to a “cul-de-sac.” Nicole Nowlen stated she was then transported via ambulance to Lutheran Hospital where she was treated. Nicole Nowlen indicated she was unable to recall any additional details concerning this incident.

Prior to concluding contact with Nicole Nowlen, IO requested and received a medical release signed by Kent Nowlen. After receiving the release, IO subsequently concluded his contact with the Nowlens. See the diagram prepared by Nicole Nowlen for complete details.



Previous Witness: PATTI NIELSON

Next Witness: JEANNA PARK