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Patti Nielson


Witness Location:


11k page report – Columbine witness testimony


Nielson, Patricia




REPORTING AGENT: Greenwell        

CASE NUMBER: 99-038856

VICTIM: Nielson, Patricia

DATE OF REPORT: 04-27-99

OFFENSE: AOA-J.C.S.D./Homicide


Agent M. Greenwell

LPD Investigations Division          

(303) 987-7233

Assigned victim/witness interviews:

NIELSON, Patricia K. DOB: 12-06-63


On Tuesday, 04-20-99, at approx. 1240 hrs., I was sent to Adventist Porter Hospital – Littleton, to interview victims and witnesses of the shooting at Columbine High School. While at the hospital, I interviewed a victim from the shooting, Patricia K. NIELSON.

Ms. Nielson told me she was standing in the North corridor hall, doing her assigned “hall duty,” at approx. 1120 hrs., when she saw a male student on the West end of the hall, carrying what she thought was a gun into the school. Ms. Nielson said she was taken by surprise and asked a another male student walking past her what was going on. Ms. Nielson said the student told her the student was probably “shooting a movie,” and that the gun was probably a cap gun used as a prop in the movie. Ms. Nielson said the unknown male student she was talking with said the student she saw with the gun was in the video productions class. Ms. Nielson said she didn’t think it was right, cap gun or not, that he have it at school, so she went to confront the student.

Ms. Nielson said as she walked through a set of double doors where the student was, the student began firing the gun. Ms. Nielson said the student then turned and saw her, looked right at her, and shot her and the male student she was with. Ms. Nielson said the bullet travelled past her and hit the glass in the door behind her and some of the glass, or a fragment from the bullet hit her in the back of the shoulder. Ms. Nielson said she yelled, “Dear God! Dear God! Dear God!” and turned with the male student she was with, when she heard the male student say, “Uhhhh!” Ms.

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Nielson said she saw the student had been shot in the back and they continued to run the opposite way and ran into the library. As she ran into the library, Ms. Nielson said she began screaming for help for the student and ran to the phone and dialed “9911” (she had to dial 9 first to get an outside line). Ms. Nielson said Mrs. Keating, the librarian, and Mr. Lawn (unknown spelling), came in and told everyone to get out of the library. As she was on the phone, Ms. Nielson said she could hear the gunman getting closer, so she told the students to get under the tables, while she stayed on the phone with the 911 dispatcher. Ms. Nielson said the dispatcher asked if she could get to the doors and lock them and Ms. Nielson told the dispatcher she couldn’t.

At this time, Ms. Nielson said something made her aware there were more than two gunmen but didn’t know what it was. Ms. Nielson heard a great deal of gunshots and “hooting it up” from the suspect; so, she continued to tell the students to stay under the tables. As Ms. Nielson was able to determine the gunmen were coming into the library, she did not want the gunmen to know she was on the phone with 911, so she left the phone on the floor and crawled up under the librarian’s desk as far as she could. Ms. Nielson said she saw the gunmen walk past where she was, and they stopped, and she saw they both had on black military type pants.

Ms. Nielson said she hears someone crying and say, “Oh God!” and one of the gunmen asked her, “Do you believe in God?” and began calling her “awful and hateful names!” Ms. Nielson said she then heard a lot more gunfire and they walked around by her desk again. While standing in front of the desk, one of them stopped and said, “Wait a minute! One more thing!” and she heard a chair being smashed on top of the desk she was under. After the noises stopped, Ms. Nielson said she looked around the end of the desk and saw a student wearing a pair of tennis shoes and wondered if the student was alive or dead. Ms. Nielson said she crawled inside a cupboard and shut the doors. Ms. Nielson added, she stayed in the cupboard for approx. three hours, and recalls it was approx. 11:45 when she crawled inside the cupboard.

While in the cupboard, Ms. Nielson said she heard a lot of gunfire coming from the library area again and heard the beeping of what she thought to be bombs. Ms. Nielson said she stayed in the cupboard and remembers seeing the lady in the purple dress come in the workroom and checked on Ms. Nielson. Ms. Nielson added, she also remembers taking her sweater off, while in the cupboard because she was so hot. Ms. Nielson said she heard the suspects saying they were going to blow the library up, but she could not get out for fear of being shot. After being in the cupboard for approximately three hours, Ms. Nielson said she heard the female in the purple dress whispering, “Patty! Patty! Come on!” and she saw another subject, Kent Friesen come from the other side of the

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room. Ms. Nielson said she and others from the library were escorted outside by police personnel, ran out to South Pierce Street, where she was treated for the injury to her shoulder. Ms. Nielson added, she recalls carrying her sweater out of the library, but dropped it on the steps leading out of the library, so her sweater should still be on the steps.

Ms. Nielson was treated by Dr. E. Eby, and her injuries were photographed by an Arapahoe County Crime Lab Technician. Ms. Nielson was treated for an injury to the back of her right shoulder area, an abrasion on her right forearm, and a bruise/contusion to her left knee. Ms. Nielson was released from the hospital the same day. Ms. Nielson was joined at the hospital by her husband, Shane Nielson, and a Douglas County S.O. Victim Advocate.

On Thursday, 04-22-99, I contacted Ms. Nielson by telephone at home. Ms. Nielson was improving and asked a lot of questions about what happened in the library. I did not know the answers to any of the questions she had and referred her to J.C.S.D. Ms. Nielson had no additional information to offer from the original interview at the hospital.

No additional information at this time.

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Control Number: 1706



CASE NUMBER: 99-16215



On 4-30-99 at about 1125 hrs., this Investigator responded to 2168 S. Field Way and contacted:


DOB: 12-06-63


Present during the interview was Nielson’s sister, Christie Sanders, who is a Public Defender in Jefferson County. Also present was:


Licensed Clinical Social Worker

777 S. Wadsworth


Hollingsworth was present on behalf of Nielson.

Nielson related class was out at 1110 hrs. She took some books with her and went to the library. The exact time she arrived is unknown, but it was possibly around 1120 to 1130 hrs. She had hall duty near the library.

Nielson was watching the North corridor. Some kids said they heard gunfire. There was another kid in the hallway, identified as Brian Anderson. Nielson looked down the hall and saw a subject with his back to them.

Nielson thought they were probably making a video production. Suspect number one was shooting, and she saw some smoke. Nielson related she decided to go up and stop this. She did not think it was a real gun.

The suspect then turns toward Nielson and points the gun at them. He smiles. The suspect shoots and the glass in the door goes out. Initially Nielson thought that it was possibly a BB gun until she looked at the door and saw the size of the hole. Nielson thought, “Oh dear God.” Nielson turned around to get out of the area and then there was a second shot. She saw Anderson lurch and she felt a burning sensation in her shoulder.

Nielson went to the door across the hall. She subsequently ran into the library along with Anderson. Nielson was yelling when she went into the library. She yelled, “Help there is a kid with a gun. We have been shot.”

When she went to the library, there were kids all around. She yelled for someone to call 911. Neilson did not see another adult inside. She thought to herself, “Where is Ms.



Keating?” Rich long then came out and told everyone to get out of the library. He then ran into the hallway.

Nielson could hear gunfire out in the hall. She went to the phone at the service desk. She yelled to the kids to get down before calling 911. They got under the tables. She told 911 that a kid had been shot.

Peggy Dodd, a library assistant came running out. She grabbed three kids and crawled into the magazine room. Nielson had the phone down on the desk. When Nielson first called 911, she was standing. The dispatcher asked Nielson to close the doors.

Nielson could not see any of the shooters outside, however, she heard gunfire. Nielson thought she was far too vulnerable if she attempted to close the doors. Besides, she thought she did not have keys to the library.

A kid came and went under the table near her. However, she remembers there was something under that table and he was a large kid. Nielson decided she would hide underneath. The large kid was wearing a jacket or shirt that had maroon on it.

Nielson got down when the really loud gunfire goes off. When she was down, she still yelled at the kids even though she could not see them. The suspects came into the library; however, she could not see them. She took the phone cord and pulled it underneath. Nielson thought that if they see her on the phone, they would shoot her, so she dropped the phone.

At about 1205 hrs., a person arrived at the Nielson home and entered. After a brief discussion with Nielson and Hollingsworth, Nielson decided to stop the interview. The person who entered the home is identified as:


Work Phone: 982-5967

Home Phone: 432-4262

Prior to stopping the interview, the discussion between Juarez, Hollingsworth and Nielson was in regard to having and attorney present for Nielson before she continued. They also discussed the upcoming tour at Chatfield High School. Nielson and Hollingsworth indicated that it would be best if they stopped so they could attend the tour. Therefore, the interview was terminated.

On the evening of 04-30-99, this Investigator telephoned Hollingsworth. He related that Nielson wanted to continue the interview. It was determined we would meet on Monday, 05-03-99 at 1100 hrs. to conclude the interview.


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On 05-03-99 at about 1100 hrs., this Investigator returned to the Nielson residence to conclude the interview. Present for this interview were Sanders and Hollingsworth.

Nielson related while in the library, the phone was underneath her. She also related that it was Eric Harris who shot her. In regard to suspects, when they came in, Nielson saw their feet. She heard them talk to each other and to other people. When asked how many sets of feet she saw she said two.

Nielson believes that one kid stood up to them in the library. They person said, “That’s enough,” in a confrontational voice. The person replied, “Oh what do we have here.” She heard the word “Nigger” used and then she heard them shoot someone.

Nielson heard someone yell, “Oh God, oh God,” and the person replied, “Do you believe in God?” The student replied, “Yes.” Nielson indicated she could not see the shooters; she could just hear them.

When it was all over, Nielson thought there was more killed in there. She stated there was so many bullets. The boy next to her was unknown to Nielson. She was told later by Dean Chris Mikesell that it was possibly Evan Todd under the desk.

This Investigator asked Nielson if she ever heard the statement by the shooters that a person could leave, she stated she does not remember hearing that statement. The suspects did relate they were going to blow this library up. They were yelling at the people.

When Nielson finally left, she couldn’t see if anyone remained. This Investigator asked Nielson if she knew an ex-student by the name of [REDACTED] and she said no. She also related when she was standing up, she did not see anyone in the hallway in front of the library. She related there was a lot of noise in the room.

At one point, the shooters called someone “fat boy.” They yelled at him. She heard one person say, “Do whatever you want to that one.” At another point, the suspects walked right past Nielson. She was sitting under the counter on her read end with legs crouched up.

When they walked past her, they both had black pants on which were tucked into their boots. As they walked past her, one said, “Wait, there is one more thing.” He stood in front of where she was. He picked up a chair and slammed it on top of the counter above her head.



Nielson related when he stepped back, she saw his black pants and they were tucked into his boots. After slamming the chair, the person said, “Let’s go down to the commons.” She remembers a live bullet was on the carpet in front of her.

After they left, Nielson peeked up over the counter and she saw a pair of white tennis shoes under one of the tables. When she looked up, there was no movement. Nielson does not remember seeing the kid next to her when she left.

Nielson crawled straight into the room in back of her. She crawled into a cupboard and stayed there for the next three hours. She looked at her watch and it was 1145 hrs. when she went in.

After she was in the cupboard for a long time, she heard someone in the room. As they walked by, she saw a purple dress. She opened the door and saw two women who she identified as Lois Kean and Carole Wed. She asked them if they knew if the suspects had been caught. They did not know. At around 1300 hrs., Lois and Carole leave the room. Nielson stayed in the room in the cupboard.

Within minutes of Lois and Carole leaving, there was some more gunfire. The gunfire was very close. She described it as a short burst. Nielson believed the shooters had found Lois and Carole and shot them. Later after it was all over, Lois and Carole told Nielson they thought just the opposite. They believed the shooters had found Nielson and shot her.

About two hours after the gunfire, Lois and Carole came back out. At some point, Nielson heard the sound of glass breaking out. She realizes now that it was probably Patrick Ireland getting out the window. When she heard the sound of breaking glass, there were no sounds of gunfire.

Nielson remembers hearing a continuous beeping sound. She learned later that if the fire alarm remains on for a certain length of time, it begins to beep. She believes the beeping sound went on for about an hour.

Nielson remained in the cupboard. She heard people in the area again. Suddenly the cupboard opened, and it was Lois. She said, “Patti are you still in there?” They yelled at her to come one. They all went out the front door and she did not look around.

When Nielson left the library, she left through the counter door. SWAT was in the hallway. They were told that the suspects had not been apprehended yet and the building was full of bombs. Ken Friesen, a science teacher was with them at that point, and he was very upset. He related that Dave Sanders was hurt bad.



They all went downstairs, where they waited on the platform. When it was clear, they went out the back door of the cafeteria. Prior to going out, they waited for another teacher, Al Cram. They were told not to touch the backpack by the door. Once outside, they were put in the back of a police car.

It was 1500 to 1545 hrs., when they got out. She was inside for about four hours. Nielson indicated it was Eric Harris who shot her and Brian Anderson. Nielson related she saw his face. Then from the faces on television, Harris seems to fit the person shooting at them.

Nielson also related that Brian Anderson ID’d Harris directly. This Investigator asked Nielson how she knew that. She indicated Anderson told Peggy Dodd, “Eric Harris fucking shot me Peggy.”

Nielson described the suspect in the hallway which shot her, and Anderson as follows:

Black pants, tucked in the boots. He was wearing a black trench coat. Underneath the coat, possibly wearing something white, the coat was open. He was wearing either a beret or a stocking hat. He was definitely not wearing a mask. She is positive of that. His left hand was extended, and his right hand was back.

This Investigator asked Nielson if she could have seen a baseball hat that was on backwards. She related she has in her head that it was a black beret he was wearing.

This Investigator asked Nielson, while she was in the library, did she ever smell smoke. She said yes. Initially she thought it was the police throwing in tear gas. When she was in the cupboard, a long time went by, then she heard what she thought was a single bomb. Per Nielson, that was it. There was no further gunfire or bombs after that.

Nielson did complete two drawings, one of the library and one of their escape route.





Arvada Police/Court System

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Arvada Police Department


Ref # 99-12067

Reported Date 04-20-1999

Time 12:39:32 Type ASSTOA

Status RTF

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET 126 07/29/1999 080299/BOATRIGHT/KK


On 05-21-99 Detective Boatright (IO) was assigned DN #4950 requesting he contact and interview Patricia Nielson. Within the narrative of the lead, IO was informed Patricia Nielson had been injured by gunfire in the North hallway, after which she entered the library and subsequently placed a 911 call to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. Patricia Nielson reportedly remained in the library until she was evacuated by members of the SWAT team. IO was requested to interview Patricia Nielson for the purpose of gathering additional information related to this investigation.

On 05-25-99 at approximately 0840 hours IO met with Patricia Nielson at the Jefferson County Hall of Justice. At the time IO met with the aforenamed, she was in the company of her husband, Shane Nielson, her sister Christy Sanders, and her therapist identified as David M. Hollingsworth, MSW. All of the aforenamed individuals were present for the purpose of supporting Patricia Nielson during the interview. For purposes of clarification, Christy Sanders is employed through the State of Colorado Public Defenders Office. IO confirmed with Christy Sanders she was simply acting as a support system for her sister and was not there on any official capacity.

Upon contact with Patricia Nielson (AKA Patti Nielson), IO verified her date of birth as 12-06-63 and she resides at [REDACTED]. IO further verified with Patti Nielson she is employed at Columbine High School as an art teacher.

IO next requested Patti Nielson provide an account of her activities on 04-20-99 beginning at the time she arrived at school. Patti Nielson explained as was normally the case, she arrived at school at approximately 0745 hours, parking in the Northeast teachers lot off of Pierce Street. Patti Nielson explained her first period class is free and she normally uses that for “planning.” IO verified with Patti Nielson after parking her car in the Northeast teacher’s lot, she then entered the school via the main East entrance and subsequently responded back to the jewelry room. IO would note the aforementioned room is located in the Northeast area of the school. According to Patti Nielson, upon arriving at school through the first hour class, she did not make any observations which she considered to be unusual.

Patti Nielson indicated her second period class began at approximately 0820 hours and concluded at approximately 0915 hours. Patti Nielson related her second period class is taught in the “jewelry room” which is the same location previously described in this report. When asked if anything unusual occurred during her second period class, Patti Nielson responded in the affirmative. Patti Nielson recalled during second period, one of her students identified as “Brittany Gillette” (spelling provided by Nielson)


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made the statement, “Hey Mrs. Nielson, did you know it was Adolph Hitler’s birthday?” Patti Nielson stated she was not aware of that fact and other than to acknowledge Brittany Gillette’s comment, there was no additional discussion concerning that point. Patti Nielson stated she did not know whether that comment was relevant to the investigation but felt it should be reported.

Patti Nielson reported she then taught her third period class which begins at approximately 0920 hours and concludes at approximately 1015 hours. Patti Nielson stated her third period class is taught in the “drawing room” which is located in the same general area as the jewelry room. Patti Nielson stated she did not recall any unusual events during third period class.

In respect to her fourth hour class, Patti Nielson stated it began at approximately 1020 hours and concluded at approximately 1110 hours. Patti Nielson indicated her fourth period class is taught back in the jewelry room and she did not recall any additional events which she considered to be unusual.

Patti Nielson explained on a normal day, she would have been “finished for the day” at the conclusion of her fourth period class. Patti Nielson stated as part of her assigned duties as a teacher at Columbine High School, she is required to perform “hall duty.” Patti Nielson explained on this particular date, she had made arrangements to trade her hall duty with Rudy Martin and as a result, was scheduled to work “A lunch” in the North hall while her assignment during “B lunch” was to work the “South Hall.” IO clarified with Patti Nielson had it not been for her hall duty assignment that date, she would have left Columbine High School shortly after the conclusion of her fourth period class. IO further verified with Patti Nielson the reason she changed hall assignments with Rudy Martin was to better accommodate her schedule.

When asked to explain her responsibilities when performing hall duty, Patti Nielson stated her primary responsibilities are to keep the halls “quiet” and prevent students from simply “wandering the halls.” Patti Nielson stated she is also requested to monitor students who would possibly gather in the halls or try to “sneak food” into various parts of the school. Patti Nielson stated she did not recall having any serious problems when performing hall duty in the past.

According to Patti Nielson, she began her hall duty on that date around the time “A lunch” started (approximately 1115 hours). Patti Nielson explained during the course of performing her hall duty in the North hall, she began walking West and recalled being just East of the West entrance/exit (main level) when specific events pertaining to this investigation began. Patti Nielson reiterated she was standing just East of the West entrance/exit in the North hall when she noticed Brian Anderson, a student,


passing her location. It was at approximately that same time she heard a “noise” (unable to be more specific) which caused her to look outside the West entrance/exit. Patti Nielson stated that at that point she observed a white male (possible student) standing outside the West entrance/exit near the North library emergency exit door. Patti Nielson explained at the time she did not recognize the student and initially only saw him from behind. Patti Nielson stated during her initial observation of the student, she noted he was wearing a “black trench coat” with either a “beret or black stocking cap” on his head. Patti Nielson stated when making that observation, she also noted that “smoke” appeared to be “rising” around the area where that individual was standing.

Patti Nielson related at the point she was making the above observation, Brian Anderson commented that the person she just described must be involved in some type of video production and was in possession of what was believed to be a “cap gun.” Patti Nielson stated when hearing Brian Anderson’s explanation of the event, she recalled thinking she did not see a video crew and felt the student’s behavior was inappropriate, particularly as it pertained to the simulation of weapons on school property. Patti Nielson pointed out it was irrelevant whether or not the student was involved in a video project she still considered the behavior very inappropriate.

Patti Nielson stated at that point she began walking West down the North hall after which she passed through the first set of doors leading outside the school. IO would note at that location there are two sets of doors separated by what could be described as a vestibule area. IO clarified with Patti Nielson she had passed through the first set of doors and was still proceeding Westbound in an effort to contact the student. Patti Nielson further clarified that as she proceeded in the manner indicated, Brian Anderson accompanied her and was walking to her left (South).

Patti Nielson related just after she and Brian Anderson had walked through the first set of doors, the student she previously described turned and looked back in her direction. According to Patti Nielson, this student was originally facing a somewhat Southerly direction as she began to approach his location. As Patti Nielson continued with her explanation, she noted once the suspect had turned and looked in her direction, she remembered he “smiled.” Patti Nielson stated at that point the suspect leveled a long firearm in her direction and subsequently fired the weapon. When asked to describe the individual who fired the weapon in her direction, Patti Nielson responded she believed it was “Eric Harris.”

IO confirmed with Patti Nielson she based that identification from photographs she had seen of Eric Harris via news footage. Patti Nielson was again asked to describe the individual who fired the weapon in her direction. Patti Nielson clarified the individual who fired the weapon in her direction was the person she had previously described. Patti Nielson did


indicate she made additional observations of that individual as she moved closer to his location. When asked to provide those additional details, Patti Nielson stated in addition to how she previously described the individual, she now knew he was wearing “black pants” tucked into “black boots.” Patti Nielson stated the weapon which she observed the individual holding appeared to be a “rifle” style firearm. In addition, Patti Nielson described the weapon as being black in color and pointed out she did not recall seeing any type of wood stock on the weapon. Patti Nielson related when the weapon was fired in her direction, it appeared as though the butt of the rifle was against the suspect’s shoulder. Patti Nielson indicated she could not provide additional information related to the suspect or weapon description.

When asked if she made any other observations prior to the suspect firing the weapon, Patti Nielson responded in the affirmative. Patti Nielson stated as she approached the suspect’s location, she saw what she believed were two female students seated against the North library wall. IO clarified with Patti Nielson she was referring to a location outside the West entrance doors which would have actually been to the South of the doors. For purposes of clarification, when referring to that location, it would be accurate to also refer to it as the North exterior library wall.

IO further verified with Patti Nielson the two unidentified female students would have been located in between the West entrance/exit and the North library emergency exit door. When asked if it appeared as though either of those students had been injured, Patti Nielson stated she was uncertain. Patti Nielson pointed out the event she previously described happened very quickly, thus her observations were limited.

Patti Nielson was next asked to describe what occurred at the point the suspect fired in her direction. Patti Nielson stated when the suspect fired the first shot, it penetrated the South side exterior door. Specifically, Patti Nielson was referring to the glass window which is attached to the door.

IO confirmed with Patti Nielson she was describing the far-left door (window) as she was facing West. Patti Nielson stated almost immediately upon that first shot being fired; both she and Brian Anderson began to turn around in an effort to flee the area. Patti Nielson stated it was at that point she heard the second shot fired. Patti Nielson stated when hearing the second shot, she saw Brian Anderson “arch back and throw up his hands,” after which the aforenamed fell to the ground.

Patti Nielson stated Brian Anderson was still located to her South at that point he appeared to have been shot. Patti Nielson stated she could not be specific in terms of what direction Brian Anderson was facing when he was shot but believed both were in the process of turning around which would have caused them to then be facing in an Easterly direction. Patti Nielson went on to state it was at this same time she was “grazed” by what she believed was a bullet. Patti Nielson stated the injury she received from being “grazed” was to the right shoulder area.


Patti Nielson stated after being “grazed,” she realized Brian Anderson had fallen down to all fours after which she dropped down to her knees and began crawling. Patti Nielson clarified both she and Brian Anderson were crawling in an Easterly direction towards the second set of doors which enter directly into the school. Patti Nielson indicated she along with Brian Anderson were successful in crawling to the door farthest North and subsequently made entry to the school. Patti Nielson did point out neither she nor Brian Anderson were able to completely open the door when making entry.

Patti Nielson stated once entry was made into the school (North hallway area), both she and Brian Anderson got up to their feet and ran to the library. Patti Nielson stated at that point she assumed the suspect who was firing the weapon was following them into the school. Patti Nielson stated at the point they arrived at the entrance to the library, she began to hear additional gunshots.  Patti Nielson was unable to be more specific concerning those gunshots. IO would note, Patti Nielson was provided with diagrams to assist in her description of this incident.

Patti Nielson stated when she entered the library, she remembered announcing, “Help, there’s a kid with a gun, we’ve been shot.” Patti Nielson reported at that point she did look back towards the hallway to see if she was being followed by the suspect and remembered seeing students moving in the hallway, but she could not identify them. Patti Nielson related she again announced, “There’s a kid with a gun,” after which she asked for the location of “Ms. Keating.” Patti Nielson described as she made the above statements, she was moving west through the library past the main counter. Patti Nielson stated it was possible at that paint she began telling students in the library to “get down.”

Patti Nielson stated as she passed by the main counter in the library (going West), she remembered seeing a fellow faculty member (Rich Long) come out from a North hallway area located in the library. Patti Nielson was referring to an area which had rooms located down the hall which ultimately led to the North emergency exit door. Patti Nielson related when she observed Rich Long, she recalled he was yelling, “Get out of the library.”

Patti Nielson stated based on her recollection, she believed Rich Long proceeded East through the library and exited out into the hallway. Patti Nielson related she was not certain as to specific activity involving students who remained in the library at that point. Pursuant to questioning, Patti Nielson could not recall if anyone else exited the library at that time.

Patti Nielson stated after going around the West side of the main counter, she remembered Brian Anderson passing by her as she went to go use the phone. IO would note the aforementioned phone


is located behind the main counter in the library. IO further clarified with Patti Nielson; Brian Anderson had also gone around the main counter from the West side.

Patti Nielson related when she reached the phone, she remembered dialing “9911.” Patti Nielson stated the reason she dialed the first nine was to ensure that she got an outside line. Patti Nielson stated as she dialed the phone, she remembered telling herself she needed to “stay calm.” Patti Nielson indicated the only other recollection she had at that moment was standing behind the counter (holding the phone) looking out into the library. Patti Nielson stated she did remember seeing Peggy Dodd coming from somewhere to the west of her location. Patti Nielson stated she further recalled Peggy Dodd was “staying low” to the point where the aforenamed eventually began “crawling.”                              

Patti Nielson related she subsequently lost sight of Peggy Dodd and did not know where she had gone. At that point IO played a 26-minute tape of the 911 call the forenamed placed on 04-20-99 at approximately 1127 hours. Once the tape was reviewed, Patti Nielson did indicate it appeared to be accurate in terms of her recollection of the incident.

Patti Nielson stated moments after dialing “9911,” she made contact with whom she now identified as a Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department dispatcher. Peggy Dodd reiterated she attempted to stay calm so she could explain the situation which was occurring at Columbine High School. Patti Nielson stated she recalled providing the dispatcher with the basic information which included the fact there was a student on the premises who was firing a weapon.

Patti Nielson stated as she continued to speak with the dispatcher and provide information to assist the deputies responding, she began to hear gunshots and yelling which sounded as though it was coming closer to the library. Patti Nielson stated she was certain the gunshots and yelling were now coming from the hallway outside the library but pointed out she could not see anyone at that point. IO confirmed with Patti Nielson from the point she was at, she could see out into the hallway, however, her visibility was limited based on the configuration of the doorway and one window (located to the South) which faced out into the hall.

Patti Nielson related about that time she remembered seeing smoke begin to enter the library. Patti Nielson explained the smoke rose up towards the ceiling as it began to enter the library from the hall. Patti Nielson related at that point; it was her belief the hallway had become filled with smoke. When asked to describe the smoke, Patti Nielson stated it could best be described as “dark and cloudy.”

Patti Nielson indicated at the point she began to see smoke entering the library, she then “got down on the floor.”’ Patti Nielson went on to state at the point she got down on the floor,


she was still in contact with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office dispatcher and remembered yelling to the students present in the library. When asked what she was yelling at that time, Patti Nielson stated she believed she was telling the students to stay down. Patti Nielson indicated one of the main reasons she continued to yell out to the students was she wanted to “reassure them somebody was doing something.”

IO confirmed with Patti Nielson up to this point she had been advising Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office dispatchers of the situation, specifically that she was now present in the library, and she had seen a student firing a weapon. In addition, Patti Nielson indicated the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office dispatch was further advised there were injuries as a result of the shooting. Patti Nielson went on to state as she was speaking with the dispatcher shortly after the 911 contact was made, she clarified she had continued to instruct students to stay down under the tables. Patti Nielson stated she also believed she had informed the dispatcher one suspect had entered the school and was in the hallway outside the library.

Patti Nielson went on to state approximately two minutes into the 911 call, she began to hear additional gunshots or explosions which she now knew were taking place right outside the library. Patti Nielson clarified up to this point it was her belief there was only one suspect involved in the shooting.

Patti Nielson stated a short time later she began to think there was possibly more than one suspect. When asked to elaborate, Patti Nielson explained based on the “yelling” and “voices” she was hearing directly outside the library entrance, she began to conclude there was more than one suspect. Patti Nielson stated she could not recall any specific statements made by the suspects at that time but remembered thinking she was hearing more than one voice and more than one person “yelling.”

Patti Nielson explained as she continued to hear shots and possible explosions out in the hall, she continued to caution students in the library to “stay down on the floor.” Patti Nielson further recalled during this time frame providing the dispatcher with a suspect description. Patti Nielson then told IO when she was describing the suspect to the dispatcher, she remembered she was only thinking there was one individual involved. Patti Nielson stated after she had described the suspect to the dispatcher, it was at that point she began to think that there were possibly two suspects involved for the reasons stated above.

Patti Nielson next told IO there was either a loud gunshot or explosion directly outside the library which she recalled occurred just seconds before the suspects entered the library. Patti Nielson stated at the point the suspects entered the library, she knew for a fact there were two. When asked to elaborate, Patti Nielson stated she could hear the suspects’ movements directly on


the other side of the main counter she was hiding behind. Patti Nielson stated based on the movements she heard (walking type noises), she determined there were two suspects. Patti Nielson stated once the suspects had entered the library, she remembered she started whispering when speaking to the dispatcher. Patti Nielson stated she initially began whispering the “Lord’s Prayer” at which time she also moved further underneath the desk to provide better concealment. Patti Nielson stated at that point she was angling in a Southerly direction and was still in contact with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department dispatcher.

Patti Nielson stated she continued reciting the Lord’s Prayer until she heard the dispatcher ask her her name. Patti Nielson stated she did respond to the dispatcher by indicating her name was “Patti Nielson.” Patti Nielson stated after providing the dispatcher with her name she then indicated, “They’re in here.” Patti Nielson stated she wanted the dispatcher to understand the suspects had now entered the library. Patti Nielson stated it was also at that same time she began to hear at least one of the suspects demanding that everyone “get up.” Patti Nielson stated she believed the suspect repeated that demand several times.

Pursuant to questioning, Patti Nielson stated when the suspects initially entered the library, she knew based on their movement they were going in a Westerly direction. Patti Nielson stated the suspects were in fact moving in a Westerly direction when she heard them demand that students in the library “get up.” Patti Nielson told IO to the best of her knowledge she did not believe any of the students complied with the suspect’s demands. Patti Nielson told IO it was at that time she began to hear gunshots on the West side of the library. Patti Nielson was unable to recall the number of gunshots she heard but it was her belief that the suspects were “going around and shooting every student who was hiding underneath the tables.”

Patti Nielson told IO shortly after she began to hear the initial gunshots she then “dropped the phone.” IO clarified with Patti Nielson she was still concealed under the main counter facing what she believed was a Southerly direction. Patti Nielson did point out once she had let go of the phone, she moved further back into the open space in an effort to provide better concealment from the suspects.

Patti Nielson stated once she knew shooting was going on inside the library she began to hear “hooting and hollering.” Patti Nielson stated it was very clear in her mind the suspects were “enjoying themselves.” Patti Nielson reiterated it was her belief the suspects were methodically going to each table and shooting the students who were hiding underneath those tables. Patti Nielson also stated she heard the suspects taunting various students. When asked specifically what she heard, Patti Nielson stated she remembered one of the suspects stating to someone, “You think those glasses look cool,” or, “You think those glasses are cool.” Patti Nielson stated it was clear in her mind the suspects were attempting to humiliate the victims prior to shooting them.


IO asked Patti Nielson if what she had previously described had all occurred on the West side of the library, Patti Nielson responded in the negative. Patti Nielson reiterated the incident began on the West side of the library; however, she knew at one point she could then hear gunshots on the East side of the library. Patti Nielson stated the “hooting and hollering” was basically continuous throughout the incident but she could not be more specific concerning the points when she heard the suspects trying to humiliate the victims.

When asked if she could recall any other statements made by the suspects, Patti Nielson responded in the affirmative. Patti Nielson stated at one point she remembered hearing a suspect yell to a victim, “Who do you think you are?” and at some other point she heard one of the suspects yell, “Kill all the jocks.” Patti Nielson again clarified she could not recall in a specific sequence what was said when but remembered hearing the above comments.

As Patti Nielson continued to reflect on the incident in the library she began to recall additional details. Patti Nielson specifically began to recall other comments she had heard made by the suspects and possible victims. When asked to elaborate, Patti Nielson stated at one point during the incident she remembered hearing “a boy being confrontational with them.”

When asked to elaborate, Patti Nielson stated the confrontation was strictly verbal but remembered hearing the unidentified male student state words to the effect of, “That’s enough, he’s dead.” Patti Nielson told IO up to this point she could not be specific in terms of where the individuals were located when they were making various comments but believed the above described comment occurred further South in the library towards either the center or far East sections.

Patti Nielson then recalled hearing one of the suspects comment, “What do we have here, a nigger.” Patti Nielson explained after hearing that comment she then heard gunshots and assumed another student had been shot. Patti Nielson was unable to identify the location where that comment originated. Patti Nielson did clarify after hearing each gunshot she assumed another student was being shot.

As Patti Nielson continued to recall comments made by the suspects and victims, she remembered hearing a female voice near table #1 or #2 on the east side of the library. When asked what she heard corning from that location, Patti Nielson stated she heard the female voice state, “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” Patti Nielson related in response to the above statements by the female student, she then heard one of the suspects ask, “You believe in God?” Patti Nielson related she believed the suspect repeated the question and again asked the female, “You believe in God?” Patti Nielson stated in response to the suspect’s question she then heard the female student reply, “Yes.” reported that voice was very


“soft and quiet.” Patti Nielson added she believed the victim was “crying” during the above verbal exchange with the suspect. Patti Nielson went onto state when she heard the female’s voice, she remembered thinking that the female was possibly “moving” as she was speaking. Patti Nielson was unable to be more specific in terms of that incident other than to reiterate she knew those comments were coming from a location near table #1 or #2.

When asked what else she could remember related to this incident, Patti Nielson stated there seemed to be continuous gunfire during the course of the incident intermingled with the above described suspect and victim statements. Patti Nielson stated she also remembered at one point hearing glass breaking and assumed it was coming from the West windows, however, she could not be certain. At that point in the interview, Patti Nielson again told IO in respect to the comments she was unable to recall the sequence and with only a few exceptions was unable to recall where any of the comments originated. IO confirmed with Patti Nielson in respect to the comments, if she was able to identify a general area or location from which they originated; that information was reported and to the best of her knowledge, accurate.

When asked what she next recalled, Patti Nielson stated at one point just prior to the suspects leaving the library, she knew they had come up and walked behind the main counter. Patti Nielson stated when she knew the suspects were behind the counter, she remembered hearing a student state, “I don’t want to get in trouble. I don’t want to get in trouble.” Patti Nielson then heard one of the suspects respond to the student by stating, “You don’t know what trouble is.” Patti Nielson believed the suspect then referred to the student as “pathetic.” Patti Nielson related earlier in this incident she had also heard one of the suspects refer to another student as “pathetic.”

Continuing with Patti Nielson’s explanation of the incident, the forenamed stated she then heard the second suspect confront that same student (referred to above). Patti Nielson heard the suspect state to the student, “Whatta we got here, fat boy?” Patti Nielson next heard one of the suspects tell the other suspect he could, “Do whatever you want with that one. I don’t care.”

Patti Nielson concluded the suspect was again referring to that same student. At that point IO clarified with Patti Nielson both the suspects were located behind the main counter and it was her belief the student they were in contact with was also located somewhere behind the counter. Patti Nielson clarified she could not see that student, nor did she ever see that student during the course of this incident.

Patti Nielson related after hearing the above verbal exchange she did not specifically hear what either of the suspects intended to do with the student they had been threatening. Patti Nielson reported the next comment she did hear from one of the suspects had


“something to do with guns.” Patti Nielson was unable to be more specific concerning that point. Patti Nielson stated after she heard the reference to the guns, she could then hear movement behind the main counter and believed one of the suspects had possibly set something down as he walked past her location. Patti Nielson was referring to the counter area where the suspect may have placed an item. Patti Nielson told IO it was at that point she thought she was going to “be shot.” Patti Nielson did relate as the suspect had walked past her location, she was able to glance over to the side and observed that individual wearing “black pants and black boots.”

Within moments of making that observation, Patti Nielson then heard one of the suspects state, “Wait there’s one more thing.” According to Patti Nielson, one of the suspects then picked up a chair located behind the main counter and threw it down on top of the desk. Patti Nielson stated the chair struck the desk directly above where she was concealed. Patti Nielson told IO at this point she was uncertain as to whether or not the suspects knew she was present.

Patti Nielson related after the chair had been thrown on top of the desk, she then heard one of the suspects state, “Let’s get down to the commons.” Patti Nielson indicated that comment indicated to her that the suspects were preparing to leave. Patti Nielson stated she did not actually see the suspects leave but soon thereafter did not recall hearing any additional movement behind the main counter. Patti Nielson further clarified she did not hear any additional shots or explosions occurring in the library after hearing that comment.

Patti Nielson stated approximately five minutes after she believed the suspects had left the library she came out from behind the counter and looked out into the library. Patti Nielson stated she did not recall specifically seeing anyone but remembered seeing “tennis shoes” around the area, what’s been identified as tables #9 and #10. Patti Nielson was unable to be more specific concerning that point.

Patti Nielson was asked if she recalled seeing anyone when she looked out into the library. Patti Nielson responded in the negative and then added, “I assumed everyone was dead.” Patti Nielson stated at that point she crawled on her hands and knees back into a “kitchen” type area located directly north behind the main counter. Patti Nielson explained she then crawled into a cupboard (located directly off the floor) where she closed the doors and concealed herself.

Patti Nielson stated it was at that point she looked at her watch and recalled the time being approximately 1145 hours. Pursuant to questioning, Patti Nielson reported she did not actually hear anyone (suspect or victim) leave the library prior to or after she moved into the kitchen area. Patti Nielson went onto state she assumed she was the only one left alive in the library. Patti Nielson related it was not until later that she realized others were present.


IO subsequently asked Patti Nielson to explain what occurred after she concealed herself in the cupboard in the kitchen area. Patti Nielson explained she could still hear what she believed were gunshots and explosions from inside the school. Patti Nielson clarified the aforementioned noises were not coming from the library but someplace else within the school. Patti Nielson related there were also times where there was silence after which it would again erupt in either what she believed were gunshots or explosions.

Patti Nielson was unable to be more specific concerning the number of gunshots or explosions she heard. Patti Nielson then related it was also during this same time frame she could still hear the suspects “yelling” somewhere inside the school. Again, Patti Nielson indicated the aforementioned yelling was not coming from inside the library.

When asked if she could put a time frame to the aforementioned observations, Patti Nielson stated she knew she had made the above observations prior to hearing “helicopters.” Patti Nielson stated at one point while hidden in the cupboard she definitely heard helicopters but pointed out she was still hearing what she believed were gunshots coming from somewhere in the school.

Patti Nielson stated as time passed, she could feel her left foot beginning to cramp, and she was also having pain in her shoulder from the gunshot injury. Patti Nielson then attempted to describe to IO the position she was in while concealed in the cupboard. In brief, Patti Nielson described a very cramped area which did not allow her to move any of her extremities, thus causing joint pain along with cramping.

Patti Nielson specifically mentioned pain she experienced in her shoulders/neck area due to the fact her head had to be bent forward in order to fit in the cupboard. Patti Nielson also recalled trying to suppress coughs while being concealed.

IO confirmed with Patti Nielson upon entering the cupboard she was still hearing gunshots and what she thought were explosions. She also heard yelling which she attributed to the suspects. IO further verified all those noises were coming from outside the library. When asked if she could recall anything else up to that point, Patti Nielson paused and then responded in the affirmative. Patti Nielson stated she believed she could hear a phone ringing in the library somewhere. Patti Nielson was unable to be more specific concerning that point.

Patti Nielson did indicate there was one point where an event took place that she could reference back to an approximate time due to the fact she looked at her watch. When asked to elaborate, Patti Nielson indicated she remembered hearing movement in the kitchen area. Patti Nielson stated she then looked out into the kitchen area through a small opening created by the cupboard door not closing completely. Patti Nielson stated at that point she saw a female in a dress and moments later recognized that person as Lois Kean, a library assistant. Patti Nielson stated at that point


she made contact with Lois Kean who was now standing in the kitchen area near where she was hiding. IO confirmed with Patti Nielson she did not get out from the cupboard when speaking with Lois Kean. When asked what occurred during that conversation, Patti Nielson stated she remembered Lois Kean asking, “Patti, do you know what’s going on? Have they caught them?” Patti Nielson stated she responded to Lois Kean in the negative and then related to IO this was the first time she realized there were others present in the library who were still alive.

Patti Nielson stated her conversation with Lois Kean was very brief and was conducted in whispers. Patti Nielson stated based on her conversation with Lois Kean neither were able to determine whether or not the suspects had been apprehended or where they were presently located. Patti Nielson did indicate when speaking with Lois Kean, the forenamed reported she along with Carole Weld were hiding in the “RNN room.” Patti Nielson pointed out it was later she learned the forenamed assistants were hiding in the “soundproof booth.”

Patti Nielson stated her conversation with Lois Kean was very brief after which both Lois Kean and Carole Weld walked back towards what Patti Nielson believed was the RNN room. Patti Nielson stated it was her impression both the forenamed were going to continue hiding in that location. Patti Nielson then commented there was no discussion between herself and Lois Kean in terms of all three of them hiding together or any plan of action related to their situation.

Patti Nielson stated within a couple of minutes after the above described situation occurred, she again heard “gunfire.” Patti Nielson reported the gunfire was very close and it was her fear that Carole Weld and Lois Kean had been caught by the suspects and killed. When asked how many shots were fired, Patti Nielson stated, “Enough shots to kill those two ladies.” IO verified with Patti Nielson she was certain there were at least two shots fired at that point. Patti Nielson stated it was possible there were more than two shots but simply remembered thinking that the number of shots she heard were certainly enough to kill Lois Kean and Carole Weld.

Patti Nielson stated she remembered thinking that Lois Kean and Carole Weld had not made it back to their original hiding place prior to being caught by the suspects.

Pursuant to questioning, Patti Nielson reported the above described gunshots (which occurred shortly after 1300 hours) seemed very close and it was her belief those gunshots came from inside the library. Patti Nielson pointed out since the time the suspects left the library originally, she had not heard gunshots that seemed to be as close as the ones she just described.

Patti Nielson was unable to be specific in terms of where the gunshots may have originated in reference to a specific area in the library. Patti Nielson again commented it was simply her impression the suspects had caught Lois Kean and Carole Weld as they were returning to their hiding place in the RNN room. When asked if she believed that was where those gunshots came from, Patti Nielson stated she could not be certain and could only indicate that they seemed


close. Patti Nielson repeated after the above described gunfire, she did not hear any additional gunfire which seemed to be that close.

When asked what other observations she made after that point, Patti Nielson stated she remembered sporadic gunfire (from a distance) along with the “bells.” IO confirmed with Patti Nielson she was referring to the school bells which rang at the beginning and end of every class. Patti Nielson stated she also recalled hearing “glass breaking” which she stated lasted “for a while.” Patti Nielson could not be specific in terms of where the noise originated, but knew it had to be somewhat close due to the fact she could hear it.

Patti Nielson was asked if she could estimate the time frame when she heard the glass breaking. Patti Nielson stated she believed it would have been sometime between 1330 and 1400 hours but definitely after the loud gunshots she reported above. Patti Nielson then pointed out it was around 1400 hours she recalled hearing a “beeping noise” which she remembered thinking was possibly a “bomb.” Patti Nielson stated the “beeping noise” was close to her location, however, she could not specifically identify its origin. IO did confirm with Patti Nielson that she heard the glass breaking prior to hearing the beeping noise which she believed began at approximately 1400 hours.

Patti Nielson stated after approximately 1400 hours she did not recall hearing much additional gunfire. Patti Nielson stated there were periods where everything was very quiet, and she would hear what she thought was possibly an explosion noise or gunfire. Patti Nielson stated she wasn’t specifically timing any events but recalled thinking there was about a 20-minute delay in between periods when it was very quiet and when she would hear either a gunfire or explosion noise.

Patti Nielson stated sometime between 1500 and 1515 hours she again heard someone in the library. Patti Nielson stated she could hear walking and assumed one or both of the suspects had returned. Patti Nielson then identified the noises as coming from inside the kitchen area and became very concerned. Patti Nielson stated she thought it was possible the suspects were continuing to look for people who had hidden during this course of this incident. Patti Nielson stated while thinking the above thoughts the cupboard door opened quickly at which time, she saw Lois Kean bent overlooking into the cupboard. Patti Nielson recalled Lois Kean immediately stating to her, “You’re still in there.”

According to Patti Nielson, Lois Kean went onto state she assumed the suspects had found her (referring to Patti Nielson) shortly after their last contact. Patti Nielson specifically recalled Lois Kean stating, “I thought they shot you.” Patti Nielson then pointed out it was apparent Lois Kean, and Carole Weld had also heard the same gunshots shortly after their previous meeting and had come to the same conclusion. Patti Nielson stated she too told Lois Kean it was her belief they had been shot shortly after their last meeting.


Patti Nielson related the above contact was again brief in nature and was conducted in low voices or whispers. Patti Nielson stated at the end of that conversation neither she nor Lois Kean then closed the cupboard door. IO clarified with Patti Nielson she remained in the cupboard concealed as Lois Kean appeared to be walking back out into the library. Patti Nielson stated moments later either Carole Weld or Lois Kean yelled back in her direction, “Patti, come on. Patti, come on.”

Patti Nielson stated based on the volume of the voice she heard she realized there was no effort being made to conceal anyone’s whereabouts. Patti Nielson stated she subsequently opened the cupboard door and could see out through the doorway into the area located behind the main library counter. Patti Nielson explained she was able to observe both Lois Kean and Carole Weld.

Patti Nielson reported the “ladies” were then directing her to come out from her place of hiding and somehow indicated that “SWAT” officers were out in the hall. Patti Nielson subsequently crawled out from the cupboard and made her way into the library, stopping behind the main counter. Patti Nielson indicated from that point she could see SWAT officers out in the hall directly outside the library. Patti Nielson stated the SWAT officers then directed her out into the hall and began her evacuation. Patti Nielson did point out the SWAT officers were taking precautions for their welfare as well as hers as she was being directed down the stairs, into the commons.

Patti Nielson reported they were subsequently directed to exit the school via a West door in the commons area. Patti Nielson stated from that point she ran up the stairs to a grass area which is located directly outside the West entrance where she had originally been shot. Patti Nielson stated from that point she was contacted by the police and then taken to safety.

Pursuant to questioning, Patti Nielson explained during this incident she was unaware Pat Ireland had escaped from the library via a West window and the suspects had actually returned to the library where they were later found dead of gunshot wounds to the head. At that point Patti Nielson reiterated observations she had made which could possibly be consistent with those events.

Specifically, Patti Nielson made reference to hearing the gunshots which occurred shortly after 1300 hours which she knew were very close in proximity to her location. Patti Nielson reiterated throughout the course of this incident; she did not hear any additional gunshots which she felt could have been any closer. Patti Nielson did clarify she was not stating the aforementioned gunshots were the ones that in fact killed the suspects.

Patti Nielson also made reference to the point sometime between approximately 1330 and 1400 hours when she heard glass breaking. Again, Patti Nielson was not indicating she could confirm that was the noise caused when Pat Ireland escaped the library via one of the West windows.


Patti Nielson indicated to IO in the event she had additional recollections, she would contact him with that information. IO subsequently concluded his contact with Patti Nielson. See the diagrams and 911 tape for complete details.





Arvada Police/Court System

Page 1

Arvada Police Department


Ref #99-12067

Reported Date 04-20-1999

Time 12:39:32


Status RTF

Location 6201 S Pierce ST

Det 135 08-27-1999


Connecting case Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department 99-7625

On 08-23-99, Detective Boatright (IO) was contacted by Detective Kate Batten of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department. Kate Batten subsequently requested IO recontact Patti Nielson and interview her regarding a statement appearing in an August 22, 1999, Rocky Mountain News article. In brief, the statement reads, “Art teacher Patti Nielson, hiding in a cabinet, heard voices in unison count, ‘one! two! three!’ then she heard a loud boom.” Refer to the aforementioned Rocky Mountain News article for complete details.

IO along with Detective Batten then discussed the previous interview conducted with Patti Nielson occurring on 05-25-99. IO would note he was the detective conducting that interview and at no time did Patti Nielson ever provide information as was documented in the Rocky Mountain News article dated August 22, 1999. Additionally, at no time did Patti Nielson ever offer specific information related to the point where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were fatally shot. It was determined IO would recontact Patti Nielson and clarify the above issue. The above lead has not been assigned a DN # and Detective Batten is aware of that fact. Detective Batten indicated she would assign a DN # and complete the appropriate paperwork when this report is reviewed.

On 08-24-99 at approximately 0845 hours IO contacted Patti Nielson via telephone. IO subsequently confirmed with Patti Nielson she was aware of the fact she had been quoted in the Rocky Mountain News article as documented above. When asked if that was an accurate account of the incident occurring on 04-20-99, Patti Nielson responded in the negative. Patti Nielson told IO she at no time has ever spoken with either Lynn Bartels or Carla Crowder (News staff writers responsible for the article).

Patti Nielson went on to state to her knowledge she has never been interviewed by a Rocky Mountain News writer. Patti Nielson explained she did recall giving an interview to the Denver Post approximately 2 1/2 to 3 months ago but again denied making the statement which was quoted in the Rocky Mountain News article.

Patti Nielson told IO she was unclear as to who the source for that quote was but speculated someone, she had possibly spoken with relayed that information to the Rocky Mountain News writers. When asked for further clarification on that point, Patti Nielson stated over the course of time she has had numerous conversations with friends, students and associates where she has speculated on how Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold died.

Patti Nielson stated she could have envisioned a “scenario” where the two suspects did something like a countdown and then shot themselves simultaneously. Patti Nielson quickly pointed out what she described was pure speculation and she made no observations concerning that point.

When asked if she had any additional information she felt was


Relevant to this investigation, Patti Nielson responded in the affirmative. Patti Nielson went on to explain even though she made no specific observations concerning the point where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold died, she said she did have a “feeling.” Patti Nielson explained she was, again, simply “speculating” but felt that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold had shot themselves “simultaneously.” Patti Nielson went on to state approximately one-half hour to 45 minutes prior to being evacuated by SWAT members, she did recall hearing a “boom” noise which she believed came from the Southwest corner of the library. Patti Nielson reiterated tat she made no additional observations and was simply “speculating” that noise could have been associated with simultaneous gunshots resulting the death of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

Patti Nielson stated that she had no additional information related to this investigation. IO would note during his previous interview with the forenamed on 05-25-99 Patti Nielson did not disclose hearing a “boom” noise emanating from the Southwest corner of the library occurring one half hour to 45 minutes prior to being evacuated. IO would note Patti Nielson indicated she was evacuated from the library sometime between 1500 and 1515 hours on 4-20-99. IO concluded his contact with Patti Nielson.

Previous Witness: LISA KREUTZ