Rachel Scott

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Rachel Joy Scott's life

Rachel's death

Witnesses to Rachel Scott's death:


Adam Thomas (p.1216)

Chris Clark (p.746)

Denny Rowe (p.1118)

Michael Johnson (p.229)

Janine Roberts (p.1107)

Patrice Doyle (p.781)

Wayne Depew (p.7991)

Witnesses who saw Rachel at the top of the stairs outside the library's emergency exit by the West doors:

Alicia Deejniczak (p.5067)

Kathy Carlstadt (page needed)

Matt Depew (EP 1-176)

Tom O'Neil (p.8439)

Evidence possibly linked to Rachel at the top of the stairs:

A piece of scalp (EP 20-231)

Witnesses who saw Rachel on the stairs:

Jennifer Harmon (p.6483)

Witnesses who saw Rachel on the grass

Michael Naifeh (EP 1-164)

Seth Dubois (p.2907)

Witnesses who saw Rachel at the bottom of the stairs by the cafeteria:

Adam Thomas (EP 21-346)

Jennifer Tyndall (p.1225)

John Cook (p.756)

Justin Alber (p.2293)

Lacey Hohn (p.3342)

Wade Frank (Denver Post interview 4-23-99)

Witnesses who saw Rachel in the cafeteria:

Jessica Rosecrans (p.4238)

Cafeteria CCTV tape shows Rachel at the register at 11:22:30

Tony Doty (p.877)

Witnesses who saw Rachel in or near the library:

Seth Dubois (EP 21-123)

Witnesses who were in the area Rachel was said to be, but did not see Rachel:

Brian Anderson (p.184)

Witnesses who interacted with Rachel's body:

Vince DiManna (p.8350)

Harry Bloodsworth (p.8317)

Rachel's Legacy

Books written by Rachel's family