Nate Dykeman

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Nate Dykeman's interview

Nate Dykeman [pp.10693-10715]

Relevant witnesses

Sarah Gillings [pp.3141-3146]

Confirmed that [redacted] in Gabe Montoya's interview summary is Nate Dykeman and states that Montoya saw Dylan's BMW parked in Dykeman's driveway with a tan sedan that morning. A tan car was also seen speeding into Dykeman's driveway at noon and leaving after about 20 minutes. Nate also knew Corey DePooter had died and lied about where he found out.

From Gillings' interview:

“Was told by a student named Gabe Montoya, who lives on W. Plymouth Place, that a neighbor of his named “Nathan” told him at 2:00 p.m. the day of the shooting that Corey DePooter was killed in the shooting. Nathan told Gabe that he found that out on the news reports when no such reports were aired; Gabe also told her that he saw Dylan’s black car and another tan sedan at Nathan’s house the morning of the shooting.” (11k, p.3142)

“She said Gabe told her that Nathan told him he heard that on the news. She thought that was suspicious because no names were released that early.” (11k, p.3145)

Joel Kuhns [pp.6750-6751]

Kuhns was at Montoya's house when the shooting began, but told investigators he saw nothing.

Gabe Montoya [pp.6912-6915]

Montoya was Dykeman's neighbor. He saw Klebold's BMW parked in Dykeman's driveway that morning along with a tan sedan. He later saw a tan car speed into Dykeman's driveway at noon and leave 20 minutes later. The tan sedan is significant because a tan sedan was seen following Klebold's BMW all over town that morning, speeding around, in and out of a cul-de-sac, and into the school's parking lot. Nate Dykeman usually drove a tan sedan and had only recently bought his beat-up white truck. Dykeman formerly drove a tan/brown 4-door Dodge Lancer.

Interview discrepancies & oddities

Dykeman was seen talking to Klebold at bowling

Despite Dykeman claiming Harris and Klebold didn't show up to bowling class, Nate Dykeman was seen talking to Dylan Klebold by the front door at the bowling alley around 6:15 a.m.

Justin Kehm [11k, pp.6709-6710]

"Justin stated that he had been at his bowling class at the AMF bowling alley at Federal and Belleview, the class started at 6:15 a.m. I asked Justin if he knew Harris or Klebold, and he stated that when he got to class he saw Dylan talking to Nate Dykeman near the front doors, but he did't remember seeing him after about 7 or 7:10 a.m. I asked Justin if he saw Eric and he stated no. I asked Justin if he could tell me what Dylan was wearing, and Justin stated that he thought he had on black cargo pants and a gray t-shirt, but he couldn't remember for sure." (11k, p.6710)

From Dykeman's interview:

“On the morning of April 20th, Dykeman advised that he had a bowling class at 6:30 a.m. at Belleview Lanes. His bowling team consisted of Chris Morris, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and himself. Dykeman advised that Harris and Klebold did not show up for bowling, but that this was not all that unusual.” (11k, p.10694)

"DYKEMAN stated HARRIS and KLEBOLD were not in any of their classes on the day of the shooting. He stated the last time he saw either of them before he left the school was on May 19, 1999 [typo - should read April, not May]." (11k, p.10709)

This brings up the next point - Klebold was at Dykeman's house that morning before the shooting.

Klebold's BMW was seen parked in Dykeman's driveway before first hour

Dykeman doesn't mention Klebold being at his house the morning before the shooting, but Dykeman's neighbor saw Klebold's car parked in Dykeman's driveway.

Gabe Montoya told Sarah Gillings he saw Klebold's BMW parked in Dykeman's driveway that morning before the shooting. Since Montoya went to first hour, which started at 7:40 a.m., and he lived close to the school, this sighting could have been anywhere between 6:25 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. since Klebold was last seen at the bowling alley at 6:15 a.m., talking to Dykeman, and Montoya would have left his house by 7:30 a.m. to get to class.

In the timeline according to witnesses, during this time period, nobody reported seeing Klebold. His whereabouts are unknown. He could have easily been at Dykeman's house at this time.

Dykeman said Klebold didn't show up for video production, which started at 7:40 a.m. (11k, p.10695), so Dykeman left his house in time for class. Klebold likely left around the same time, if not at the exact same time. The first reported sighting of Klebold that morning outside of the bowling alley was between 7:30-8:00 a.m., when he was with a group of kids on Pierce St. gathered around some vehicles.

What was Klebold doing at Dykeman's house? Did Klebold use Dykeman to help in the attack without him knowing by convincing him he and Harris were about to pull off a big prank?

Dykeman's assigned parking spot was empty

Dykeman says he drove his white truck to school, but people noticed his empty parking space.

--Bradley Brunaugh

"As far as seeing anything unusual on April 20, 1999, Brunaugh said that as he was walking from the parking lot to the school he noticed that Nate Dykeman's white truck was not in the lot as it usually was. When asked why he noticed that, Brunaugh said that the truck was big and beat up and he would walk by it most every day." (11k, p.6186)

One student did see Dykeman sitting in his truck listening to music, but there's no indication he was parked in his assigned space. Was Dykeman coming and going from the school that morning?

Dykeman intimated he knew Harris and Klebold were responsible

Dykeman told a very different story to investigators about what he thought and said when he realized something was happening at Columbine.

From Dykeman's interview:

"DYKEMAN stated he was at school on the day of the shooting, but left just before it actually started."

"DYKEMAN stated when he was returning to school, he came across a roadblock at Columbine and Pierce and again at Pierce and Walker. He stated the police had both intersections blocked and he couldn't figure out what was going on. He stated it was approximately 11:40 a.m. and he saw school kids being routed out of the area. DYKEMAN stated he saw Jen HARMON and asked her what was going on. HARMON stated 2 kids in trench coats were shooting up the school. DYKEMAN stated he did not want to believe it was HARRIS and KLEBOLD, but he thought it might be." (11k, p.10709)

Terra Oglesbee tells the story much differently. While fleeing the scene, Terra Oglesbee and Jennifer Harmon saw Dykeman standing at Pierce and Polk. Oglesbee told him to get in his car and leave, and he laughed, stating, "I bet I know who it is."

Jennifer Harmon told investigators she saw Dykeman's truck behind her when she was driving away from the school, but when asked if she saw Dykeman driving, she said no. Was it Dykeman's truck? If so, who was driving? Since Harmon and Oglesbee were in the same car together, and Oglesbee encountered Dykeman standing in the street, it doesn't seem likely that Dykeman was driving his truck behind them. He couldn't have gotten into his truck and joined them in line since everyone was fleeing at that time. It was either a different truck, or someone else was driving Dykeman's truck.

Since Gabe Montoya saw a tan car speed into Dykeman's driveway around noon, and Dykeman was at Columbine around 11:40 a.m. and claims to have driven back to his house after encountering Harmon and Oglesbee, perhaps the tan car that sped into Dykeman's driveway was, in fact, Dykeman driving his other car.

Dykeman doesn't mention a tan car speeding into his driveway and parking for 20 minutes at noon

Gabe Montoya saw this, but Dykeman doesn't mention it to investigators - likely because it was him driving into his own driveway in his old tan sedan. You would think Dykeman would notice this and tell police about it, but since this isn't mentioned, it's safe to assume whoever parked in Dykeman's driveway was a welcomed guest or it was Dykeman himself.

Dykeman's polygraph was deceptive

When asked "Did you help Dylan and Eric yesterday?" Dykeman responded, "No."

When asked "Did you help plan what Eric and Dylan did yesterday?" Dykeman responded, "No."

"It is the opinion of the examiner that Dykeman was deceptive when responding to these relevant questions.

When confronted with his deceptive responses, Dykeman admitted he was withholding information from the investigators. He said he had not been completely truthful because he was afraid that he would be arrested for not reporting this information earlier. Dykeman provided information relating to explosives and firearms acquired by the gunman, which is contained in the enclosed FD-302." (11k, p.10702)

Investigators seem to have accepted Dykeman's explanation that he was simply withholding information, but since he was never given a second polygraph, there's no way to know if that was the source of his deceptive results.

There is a possibility that Dykeman did, indeed help with the attack, but he was unaware that's what was happening. This possibility would explain why he lied to investigators and said he didn't see Harris or Klebold that morning, when he was seen talking to Klebold at the bowling alley. It would also explain why he got excited in the street and laughed when Terra Oglesbee told him to get in his car and leave the scene, and he told her "I bet I know who it is."

References to Nate Dykeman


Seth Houy [pp.393-415]

“He said that Eric’s bowling team consists of Eric, Dylan Klebold, Chris Morris (initially said Moore, but corrected himself after I asked if it was Morris), and another male he did not know [Nate Dykeman].” (11k, p.401)


Aaron Bonewell [pp.709-711]

“Aaron Bonewell is a Sophomore at Columbine High School and an employee of Blackjack Pizza. He has worked at the pizza business for about 11 months and his co-workers included Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Chris Morris, and Nathan Dykeman.”

“Bonewell said that when he started at Blackjack Pizza, Eric Harris and Chris Morris already were employed there. Dylan Klebold started later, but had worked there previously. Bonewell worked with Harris, Klebold, Morris, and Dykeman frequently.” (11k, p.710)

Patrice Doyle [pp.779-788]

“She said Eric bowled like he was doing a forward pass of a basketball or you would throw a medicine ball. Dylan would bowl as if he was throwing a softball. He would bring the ball all the way over his head. She said the team they were on was a weird team. She told me the team was Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Chris Morris, and another unknown male [Nate Dykeman].” (11k, p.785)

Kristi Mohrbacher [pp.1009-1013]

“I asked Kristi about Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, and the Trench Coat Mafia group. Kristi said during her Freshman year at Columbine High School, she had Nate Dykeman in her gym weight lifting class. She described him as "dorky," and said he would wear sports team t-shirts to school. Kristi was unable to provide information about Klebold or Harris.” (11k, p.1011)

Alyssa Sechler [pp.1146-1154]

“Alyssa reported that her good friends Kristi Epling and her boyfriend Nate Dykeman Alyssa reported that her good friends Kristi Epling and her boyfriend Nate Dykeman paged her that whole afternoon of the 20th.Alyssa reported that she knew that Nate knew both Eric and Dylan really well and Nate did not want to believe it was them that had committed the acts. That night Alyssa went to church with both Nate and his girlfriend Kristi where they met and were with Timothy Kastle who Alyssa stated was a very good friend of Nate’s.” (11k, p.1148-1149)

“Alyssa SECHLER stated she is friends with Kristy EPLING who dates Nate DYKEMAN. She stated the first time she met DYKEMAN was last year, however, she did not get to know him real well until approximately 3 months ago, when he started dating EPLING. SECHLER stated she typically saw DYKEMAN once a day since he started dating EPLING.” (11k, p.1151)

“A few hours later on the day of the shooting DYKEMAN dropped EPLING off at SECHLER’S house. SECHLER asked DYKEMAN if the shooters were HARRIS and KLEBOLD and he told her “that has not been confirmed.” The evening of the shooting SECHLER, DYKEMAN, and EPLING went to church where they met with Tim KASTLE. She stated she overheard KASTLE tell DYKEMAN that KLEBOLD held a gun to his head. She heard DYKEMAN tell KASTLE, “Dylan is not like that, if only I could have done something, I could have stopped this.”

SECHLER was asked about EPLING and she stated EPLING and her had an up and down relationship, however, since the shooting they had been talking a lot. SECHLER stated she has never dated DYKEMAN, and he was EPLING’S girlfriend. She stated EPLING is going to Florida after she graduates to be with Nate and attend school. SECHLER state EPLING has not told her about any weapons or bombs and has asked her to hold nothing.

SECHLER was asked if she thought Nate DYKEMAN could be involved in the shooting or may have known it was going to occur. She stated DYKEMAN may have known if he and HARRIS were close like they used to be, however, since DYKEMAN started dating EPLING she did not believe he knew anything. She stated DYKEMAN was jealous of HARRIS so they got in a huge argument and almost had a fist fight. She stated they have gotten to be friends again, but not like they were.” Note: the fight was because Eric and Kristi were flirting.” (11k, p.1152-1153)

Jennifer Tindall [pp.1224-1237]

I asked Jennifer Tindall if she knew of anyone who had a double pierced eyebrow, and she replied, “Yeah, Nathan Dykeman.” Jennifer Tindall told me that her information on this came from her friend Christina, who had told her this.” (11k, p.1232)


Jason Jones [pp.1473-1477]

“Knew that student Dustin Gorton was a good friend of Nate Dykeman.” (11k, p.1474)

Lisa Steepleton [pp.1661-1666]

“Lisa Steepleton showed me the 1999 Columbine High School yearbook and specifically page number 232. Written was a statement made by Nathan Dykeman that read, “Thanks for the memories and everlasting friendship, Dylan and Eric.” (11k, p.1664)


Kristi Held [pp.1921-1922]

“In this telephonic interview, HELD provided a consistent account as had SABEY. She also is on the team that bowled against the HARRIS/KLEBOLD/DYKEMAN/MORRIS team on April 20th, first hour.”

“HELD also specifically recalls DYKEMAN as well as MORRIS bowling that morning, and that HARRIS and KLEBOLD were absent, and did not see them at all that day. (11k, p.1922)

Doug Johnson [pp.1946-1962]

“In addition, Mr. Johnson told this investigator that one of his students identified as Kristi Epling was dating Nate Dykeman. He knew Nate Dykeman, Brian Sargent, and Tod Davis were Trench Coat Mafia members.” (11k, p.1950)

Eddie Olsen [pp.2085-2088]

“Mr. Olsen stated he is in the same bowling class with Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Chris Morris and Nate Dykeman. On April 20, 1999 Mr. Olsen’s class was supposed to bowl against the class containing the above individuals. Mr. Olsen stated Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did not show up for the bowling class. The only ones present were Chris Morris and Nate Dykeman.” (11k, p.2086)

Carrie Preziosi [pp.2118-2122]

“Last year a man or student at Columbine told me that he helped with bombs. He was part of the bomb squad. His name was Nate Dykeman. I didn’t see any of the shooters.” (11k, p.2119)

Carrie Sabey [pp.2149-2151]

“In this telephonic interview SABEY said her team bowled against the HARRIS/KLEBOLD/DYKEMAN and MORRIS team on April 20, first hour. […] She specifically recalls DYKEMAN as well as MORRIS bowling that morning, and that HARRIS and KLEBOLD were absent. […] She said she knew each of these students on sight, but did not know them well enough to ascertain whether MORRIS and DYKEMAN were behaving unusually that day.

[…] She said nobody questioned MORRIS or DYKEMAN why KLEBOLD and HARRIS were absent.” (11k, p.2150)

Christopher Walker [pp.2227-2237]

"I asked Walker what he knew about members of the “Trench Coat Mafia." Walker stated that he knew that Nate Dykeman was a member of the “Trench Coat Mafia." A week before the shooting, Walker saw Dykeman in a brand-new trench coat. Dykeman was by himself at the school. Walker asked him why he bought the new trench coat. Dykeman stated that "'it was cool'' and "just for the hell of it.”

Walker stated that Dykeman had not previously dressed in a trench coat. Although he did wear black a lot. Walker talked to Dykeman about Dykeman's new truck. I asked him to describe the truck. He stated it was an old mid 70's pick-up truck with primer on it, big wheels. it looked beat-up. Dykeman’s previous car had been a Dodge Lancer, a tannish brown color. The body style is similar to a Tempo. It was 4-door, and according to Walker it was "very ugly" (11k, p.2231)

“Walker then went on to tell me about a time in which he, Dykeman, Harris, and a couple others whom he couldn’t recall the names of, went down to the Cooper 7 Theater to look for discarded movie trailers. Trailers are previews of films. He stated that Dykeman had showed him two frames of a movie trailer one day and then after school they went over to the Cooper 7 to see if they could find more. Walker told Dykeman he wanted some. Walker stated this occurred last semester. He couldn't remember if Klebold was with them at the time. The two males that he couldn't recall the names of were friends of Dykeman. Walker stated that when they went to the Cooper 7 he was able to get some discarded film showing the preview of the movie "Rush Hour... Afterwards, Dykeman dropped his friends off at a house and then took Walker to Dykeman’s house. There they cut up the film in Dykeman's garage.” (11k, p.2235)

“He did say that Dykeman was over at his house for Walker's 17th birthday.”

“Walker stated he has not seen Nate Dykeman since the shooting. Walker describes his friend, Clinton Moore, as Nate Dykeman's best friend. Moore told Walker that he had called Dykeman after the shooting to see if he was alright and to check on him in case he was suicidal. Moore told Walker that Dykeman told him of a time in which Klebold was "very scary” A fight had occurred and he described Klebold as going "crazy.” It is unknown when that fight occurred.” (11k, p.2236)


Julie Anderson [pp.2318-2324]

Q: “What time did you enter the cafeteria ? Where did you come from (prior to the cafeteria)?

A: In Miss White’s science class prior to going to cafeteria. Knew Nathan Dykeman who knows the TCM” (11k, p.2322)

Dustin Gorton [pp.3157-3161]

“Later on I observed the SWAT team get two people out of the area around the West side of the school. I saw one girl who was dead and then I saw Nathan Dykeman, also dead.” (11k, p.3159)

“I used to hang out with these guys. The group was made up of Nathan Dykeman, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and Christopher something [Morris]. These guys had the capability to do this. Two of them had shotguns and nine millimeters. They had accessed the “Anarchist’s” website and learned how to make bombs. They set one off one time and I heard it, but I didn’t see it. They told me they made it with a pop can. I heard at least 15-20 explosions like that one while the shooting was going on.” (11k, p.3161)

Krista Hanley [pp.3232-3237]

“Eric and Dylan were close with Nate Dykeman, but never gave any indication they were so angry at the school.” (11k, p.3235)

“She recalled that Dylan Klebold, Robyn Anderson, Nate Dykeman, his date, and Eric Harris left the after prom party between 2 and 3am.” (11k, p.3236)

Timothy Kastle [pp.3415-3422]

“KASTLE also recalled a conversation with Nate Dykeman in which DYKEMAN commented that Eric HARRIS and Dylan KLEBOLD were not at school. DYKEMAN told KASTLE that they had to be up to something, as they were never gone together in the past.”

“KASTLE stated that he is not a member of the group which has come to be known as the “Trenchcoat Mafia,” but has another friend who is named Nate DYKEMAN. KASTLE stated that DYKEMAN worked with Eric HARRIS and KLEBOLD at Blackjack Pizza, and that DYKEMAN was KLEBOLD’S best friend until DYKEMAN became involved with Kristi Epling.” (11k, p.3418-3419)

“Tim stated that Nate Dykeman was his best friend and that he had called and talked to Nate in Land of Lakes, Florida last night, which was May 5th. Tim stated that Nate had been very close with both Eric Harris and Dylan, but had recently gotten a new girlfriend by the name of Kristi Epling, who, along with his job at the Firestone store located at Pierce and Elmhurst, had kept Nate occupied and busy. In asking what Nate had talked about in their phone conversation last night, Tim stated that Nate thought that Eric and Dylan had probably carried their bombs into the school during a 2 hour block of time that they disappeared from the after prom party at the school.

Tim himself was at the after prom party along with his mother, Kim, who acted as a chaperone. Tim said that he didn’t realized that both Eric and Dylan had left from 2:00 to about 4:00 A.M., but that he did talk to Dylan about 4:00 A.M. about boxing with 5 pound gloves in a game that had been set up for the students. They decided not to box and then went separate ways. Tim stated that Nate had told him that both Eric and Dylan had disappeared from the party between 2:00 and 4:00 and that was his theory of when they may have carried materials into the school and hid them.

When Det. Demmel asked Timothy if Nate Dykeman had any prior knowledge that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were going to do something, Tim replied that Nate had said he knew they were going to do something, but that he did not know they were going to do what they did.” (11k, p.3422)

Matt Oliver [pp.3959-3964]

“Had Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Nate Dykeman, and Chris Morris in his zero-hour bowling class; thought Eric and Dylan were missing from bowling class day of shooting; was not sure if Nate or Chris were in class that morning.”

“When asked about Eric Harris, he said that he had Eric, Dylan Klebold, Nate Dykeman, and Chris Morris in his zero-hour bowling class.” (11k, p.3960)

Jean Richer [pp.4199-4203]

“He told me he did observe Spevak out in the Senior parking lot, and that she was talking with Nate Dykeman, but he had no additional information reference their conversation.” (11k, p.4200)

Lauren Tocci [pp.4629-4634]

“She did advise that a neighbor, Nate Dykeman, dressed all in black. She further advised that Nate had once asked her out, but she turned him down. Lauren also advised that Nate had helped her get on America Online so she could do research for a school paper and he knew a lot about computers. She advised that she was not familiar with any names that Harris, Klebold, or Dykeman had been using on the internet. She advised that she heard that Harris had his own web page, but she had never checked it out. Lauren continued to say that Dykeman kept to himself and did not socialize much.

She also stated that if Dykeman was playing kickball with other neighborhood kids and he lost, he would get mad and go inside his house. Barbara Tocci said that any contact she had with Dykeman, he was polite and courteous. Barbara said that she once asked Dykeman why he did not play basketball as he was very tall, and he said that the coach would not pick him. She also advised that he told her that he did not want to complete his Senior year at Columbine, but wanted to finish school in Florida living with his father.

Lauren reported that she had spoken to a friend, Gabe Montoya, and that Montoya had told her he was once in Dykeman’s bedroom and noted that the walls were covered with devil posters. [Note: this is where Dykeman got the nickname “Devil Man”] Lauren advised that Dykeman often hung out with a white male subject, possibly a senior, who always wore either a black beret or baseball hat turned backwards.” (11k, p.4631-4632)

Steve Trujillo [pp.4648-4652]

“He said there are 18 teams of bowlers in this league with one of the teams having Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris, Chris Morris, and Nate Dykeman as its team members. Witness Trujillo said on 04-20-99, he did not see any of the suspects bowling at Belleview Lanes.” (11k, p.4650)


Patrick Kelly [pp.5000-5007]

“Patrick said that Dylan Klebold would hang around with Eric Harris and Nate Dykeman, and said he had seen Dylan Klebold in the hallways of Columbine High School with Robyn Anderson.” (11k, p.5003)

Salli Melfi [pp.5042-5048]

“Melfi stated she also knew that suspects Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, along with their friend, Nathan Dykeman, worked in the tech lab this semester.” (11k, p.5043)

“Melfi stated that she knows the girlfriend of Nathan Dykeman, whose name is Christy [Kristi] Epling. Epling told Melfi that Dykeman had moved to Florida to live with his dad on 4-26-99 or 4-27-99. I asked her about Christy’s reaction to the news that her boyfriend had left the state. Melfi stated that Epling was surprised because it had happened so suddenly. Epling told Melfi that Dykeman had not said anything to her about any plans to attack the school. Melfi stated that her friend, Scott Rathbun, also talked to Epling regarding Dykeman.” (11k, p.5045)

Amanda Peterson [pp.5077-5083]

“Amanda said Nate Dykeman "was goofy looking." (11k, p.5082)


Kristine Macauley [pp.5298-5319]

“The bowling teams were comprised of four persons which were self-picked by the

students. Eric HARRIS and Dylan KLEBOLD were on the same team, along with  Christopher MORRIS and Nate DYKEMAN. The score sheet, as well as the teacher, indicated HARRIS, KLEBOLD and MORRIS were absent on April 20, 1999. Nathan DYKEMAN was the only person on the team to have bowled that day.” (11k, p.5299)

Dykeman is listed in the class roster on p.5300

“Telephoned MACAULEY, Kristine confirmed she is a teacher at Columbine High School. She also confirmed she teaches a bowling class at the Belleview Bowling Lanes in which KLEBOLD and HARRIS were registered. MACAULEY described the bowling class is made up of reams of four players which were picked by the students. KLEBOLD and HARRIS were on a team with MORRIS, Chris and DYKEMAN, Nate.”

“MACAULEY thought she recalled having seen KLEBOLD and HARRIS in the parking lot of the bowling alley the day of the shooting. She could not provide any further about there appearance nor if they were with anyone else. She had confirmed that DYKEMAN was present in the class the day of the shooting, and in fact had bowled. She added that MORRIS was absent from the class the day of the shooting.” (11k, p.5301)

“Subsequent to these interviews Belleview Bowling Lanes faxed a copy of the scoresheet documentation for April, 20, 1999. This sheet indicated only 3 students out of 73 were absent that day. The absent students included HARRIS, KLEBOLD, as well as MORRIS. These three students were on the same four-person team. The fourth member, Nate DYKEMAN showed two scores. Average scores for HARRIS and KLEBOLD had been entered in for both games and were circled. apparently indicating their average was entered in their absence.” (11k, p.5302)

Dykeman is listed in the class roster on p.5303

“Macauley is the teacher for Harris' and Klebold's early morning bowling class. Chris Morris and Nate Dykeman are on the same bowling team as Harris and Klebold. On the day of the shooting, Nate Dykeman was the only one on their team in class.” (11k, p.5314)

Yoshi Carroll [pp.5417-5422]

“Carroll also advised that Harris and Klebold's friends, Becca Hines and Nate Dykeman are also in the class. Carroll advised that in this class they write stories and poetry and discuss them every Friday. Carroll advised that on Friday they generally break up into groups and recite their stories or poems, and pick the best one or two to be recited to the entire class. Carroll advised that Harris, Dykeman, Klebold and Hines were all in a group together; and often read their stories to the class.” (11k, p.5418)

“Inv. Eaton asked Carroll if Dykeman was in class. Carroll advised Inv. Eaton that Nate Dykeman was in fact in class, and did not appear to be acting abnormally. Carroll advised that he did see Dykeman in the Tech Lab during his second period, or free period, and observed Dykeman looking at a car magazine. He advised that Dykeman was talking to him about moving to Florida with his dad after school ended.” (11k, p.5419)

Matthew Riecks [pp.5631-5635]

I asked RIECKS if anyone else at the school might be mistaken for [REDACTED] given his distinctive physical appearance, and RIECKS said there are four individuals whose appearance is similar; particularly their height. Those are:

  • Robert PERRY
  • Dylan KLEBOLD
  • Brooks BROWN
  • Nate DYKEMAN

RIECKS said he believes the reported sightings of [REDACTED] at the school during the shooting are actually sightings of KLEBOLD due to their similar physical appearance, and the fact that they both wore their hats backwards.” (11k, p.5635)


Frank DeAngelis [pp.5670-5682]

“That he did not know Nate Dykeman or Robyn Anderson at all.” (11k, p.5672)



Checked the following against Matt Nalty’s phone records

“Investigator Eaton contacted Detective Tom Hayes of the Lakewood Police Department/West Metro Drug Task Force and was faxed Lakewood Police Department/West Metro Drug Task Force and was faxed a copy of telephone numbers associated with Robyn Anderson, Eric Ault, John Beachem, Brooks Brown, Eric Dutro, Zachary Heckler, Patrick McDuffee, Christopher Morris, Robert Perry, Charles Phillips, Joseph Stair, Phillip Duran, Nathan Dykeman, Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold.” (11k, p.7551)

Nate Dykeman’s address and phone number are in a list on p.7554


Garrett Barnes [pp.6086-6088]

“Garrett said that he is also a friend of Nate Dykeman' s and that he and Nate frequented the Blackjack Pizza business where Harris worked.” (11k, p.6087)

Michael Bierman [pp.6133-6137]

“Michael said Chris Morris was on a Columbine High School class bowling team with Nate Dykeman.”

“Michael Bierman said when the students from Columbine High School resumed their classes at Chatfield High School, Rebecca Hines did not attend and told her class that she felt threatened, and that was the reason for not attending Chatfield High School. Michael also told me that Brooks Brown, Nate Dykeman, Chris Morris, and Robert Perry did not attend this school either, but  Michael said he did not know the reasons why they did not attend.” (11k, p.6136)

Bradley Brunaugh [pp.6185-6186]

“As far as seeing anything unusual on April 20, 1999, Brunaugh said that as he was walking from the parking lot to the school he noticed that Nate Dykeman's white truck was not in the lot as it usually was. When asked why he noticed that, Brunaugh said that the truck was big and beat up and he would walk by it most every day.” (11k, p.6186)

Jeremy Caruso [pp.6231-6233]

He told me on Monday, 04-20-99, that his team bowled Harris, Klebold, Dustin Gorton, and another individual by the name of “Nate" (through this investigation, this would be Nate Dykeman). Jeremy said on 04-20-99, the only individual he saw from Harris and Klebold's team was Chris Morris. At the completion of my interview, I verified that Jeremy had left school prior to the incident, and he did not observe anything out of the ordinary, nor did he see any gunmen while at school.” (11k, p.6233)

Eric Christner [pp.6248-6251]

“Eric advised that on the day of the incident, he and another student, Josh Swanson had left the school and were at Josh's residence from about 11:15 a.m. until some thirty minutes later when they returned to the area and observed Nate Dykeman at Woodmar Park. He said they did not know what had occurred at the school until they heard about it on the radio.”

“He was aware that Harris had worked at the Blackjack Pizza and commented that he and Nate Dykeman would often go there and have lunch with Harris. He explained that he was more of a friend to Dykeman than to Harris but because Dykeman was friends with Harris and Klebold, he would often be in all of their company. He knew that Harris I group of friends included Dykeman as well as

Chris Morris, Robert Perry, Brian Sargent, Zach Heckler, and Dustin Gorton.” (11k, p.6249-6250)

James Concilio [pp.6265-6268]

Mr .Concilio said that 04-20-99 he had bowling first thing in the morning. He said that he knew both Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and that they had bowling in the morning also. Concilio said that his team consisted of himself, James Bisgard, Jeff Marquardt, and Ryan Pool. He said that Harris’ and Klebold’s team had Nate Dykeman and Chris Morris. Concilio said that Harris' team bowled a few lanes down from his team on 04-20-99. Concilio said that he recalls seeing Eric Harris in bowling class and he was wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. Concilio said that Klebold was not there, and he can't remember whether Dykeman or Morris were there.”

“I asked Concilio who else did Harris and Klebold hang around with and be said Morris and Dykeman. Joe Stair, and Robert Perr. Concilio said that he used to work with Joe Stair at Pizza Hut.” (11k, p.6266-6267)

Matthew Hardy [pp.6480-6481]

Hardy further told me that he knew both Harris and Klebold thru a mutual friend (Nate Dykeman) at Dykeman's house. This was back in their freshman and sophomore years before Harris and Klebold "changed” and went to the trench coats. While at Dykeman's house they would all play Nintendo or games on-line with the computer. It was back then that Dykeman showed Hardy an Internet site that taught you how to harass people thru large volumes of E-mail.

Both Harris and Klebold are in Hardy's 1st period bowling class. On 4-20-99 Hardy overslept and missed his 1st and 2nd and 3rd period classes. A friend woke him in time for him to make his 4th period class, then go to lunch. Hardy did not know if Dykeman was in school on 4-20-99.” (11k, p.6481)

Thomas Johnson [pp.6687-6692]

5th hour psychology

“A class list will follow under a separate fax. Note the names, Harris, Klebold. Dykeman and Kastle. Also from this list, please note Kristi Epling. She is very smart and knows something about what went down. I found her upset. yesterday in Clement Park, and she intimated that she knew that it might be going down.” (11k, p.6690)

Justin Kehm [pp.6709-6710]

“I asked Justin if he knew Harris or Klebold, and he stated that when he got to class be saw Dylan talking to Nate Dykeman, near the front doors but he didn't remember seeing him after about 7 or 7: 10 A.M.” (11k, p.6710)

Jennifer LaPlante [pp.6767-6768]

“LAPLANTE said she had initially recalled having said hello to Eric HARRIS at their early morning bowling class April 20th, 1999. In further reflection she thought it may have been Chris MORRIS, or even possibly Nate DYKEMAN. She could not specifically recall whom it had been as the three were frequently together, and at that point the morning was unmemorable.” (11k, p.6788)

Derek Lesmann [pp.6785-6786]

“Derek stated that he left school at around 1115 to 1120 hrs. He left with Donny Klien, Craig Warde, and Ed Self. They left via the back entrance of the school and left the grounds in his vehicle which is parked in the Senior Lot. He stated that he did not see or hear anything unusual, nor did he see Klebold or Harris. He stated that this was unusual since he saw Klebold almost daily leaving the parking lot at this time with someone whose last name he believed to be Dykeman. This day he did not see Klebold.” (11k, p.6786)

Gabe Montoya [pp.6912-6915]

“Gabe Montoya said that his mother went into the house and came out a little later and told him and Koons that there had been a shooting at Columbine High and they all went inside to watch the news. Gabe Montoya said that Koons called his mother to tell her that he was alright and was not going back to school. Montoya said that they stayed home watching the news and that at about 2:00 p.m. Nate Dykeman came over to his house and was upset. Montoya said that Dykeman told him that he bowls first thing in the morning and that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are in the same class but they were not there in class that morning.

Montoya said that Dykeman told him that Cory DePooter was dead that he had seen a news telecast that had said that DePooter was one of the victims. Montoya said that Dykeman was visibly upset and stated several times that he did not believe that Klebold and Harris had done what they did. Montoya said that Dykeman said something to the effect of, “I can't believe they would do something like that, we had such a good time together on Saturday."

“Sandy Montoya said that she had attended the after prom celebration and had seen Nate Dykeman there. She said that she asked him how dinner was and that he appeared somewhat angry or agitated with her for asking him that question. Sandy Montoya said that Nate Dykeman was truly upset , crying and visibly saddened by what had happened.”

“I asked Gabe Montoya to tell me what he knew about Klebold and Harris. He said that he knew they were members of “TCM" and did not know them very well, but could recognize them in pass each other in the hallways at school. Montoya said that he did not know the members of the "TCM" except for Nate Dykeman. He said that Dykeman lived just down the street and would come over frequently when he and Koons were outside playing basketball. l asked Montoya about the "TCM” and how they acted. Montoya said that the members of the group ''would leave you alone if you left them alone" and "would be nice to you if you were nice to them.'' The interview with Gabe Montoya and his mother was then terminated.” (11k, p.6914-6915)

Clinton Moore [pp.6918-6921]

“MOORE stated he knows Nate DYKEMAN real well and DYKEMAN is a great guy He stated he heard a few students saying all the TCM type people were involved in the shooting and he does not believe DYKEMAN. had anything to do with it. He stated he could not remember whom he heard it from, the students

were doing a lot of talking. He stated DYKEMAN would never do anything like this. He stated he called DYKEMAN after the shooting had occurred and he was devastated. He stated DYKEMAN couldn't believe it. He stated DYKEMAN was good friends with KLEBOLD.” (11k, p.6920)

Ian Nelson [pp.6944-6946]

“I asked Ian if he knew Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and he said that he did. Ian stated that during his freshman year he had built a computer and his friend Nathan Dykeman had come over to his house that summer and helped Ian set it up. He said that they played games like Doom and Duke Nukem and Nate would come over and use Ian's computer because it was faster than his own. Ian said that he met Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold over the computer games they played on the internet. Ian said that his screen name was curbi 99 but it used to be smiling321 and Nate used the name rebelman. He said that they used aol for a while, and he thought that Nate Dykeman had a 90 free trial on aol and when it ran out his step-dad wouldn't pay for it anymore. Ian said that after a while, Nate and the others moved on to a game called Quake, that was a CD ROM game. Ian said that his computer was too slow and that he sort of lost interest with it all. He said that he actually met Harris once and that he had met Klebold around three times. Ian said that one time, Dylan and Nate and Jerad all came over and played basketball.”

“Ian stated that ill his Junior year, during first semester that Nate Dykeman went to Warren Tech too. After the first semester he dropped out and Ian and Nate drifted apart. Ian said he hung around his friends from Warren Tech. I asked Ian if he had seen either Harris or Klebold on 04-19-99 or 04-20-99 and he said no that he had not. Ian said that after the shooting Nate Dykeman moved to Florida, before the rest of his class started back to school at Chatfield. I asked lan if Nate Dykeman graduated with the class, and he said that he had seen him at graduation, but didn't think he actually graduated. Ian said that they really 'didn't get to talk much.' (11k, p.6945-6946)

Terra Oglesbee [pp.6964-6965]



Jennifer Harmon [11k, pp.6482-6570]

Harmon was in the car with Terra Oglesbee when Nate Dykeman laughed about knowing who was involved in the situation at Columbine. She also reported seeing Dykeman's car behind her when fleeing the area. Harmon's interview is 89 pages long and will be added to this page at the end of the list at a later time. You can read her interview here, which includes a transcript.

Frank Zirger [pp.7411-7414]

“Frank said that he did not associate much with Reb. describing him as quiet and "respected" by others in their peer group. He observed that Reb primarily associated with Dylan, Chris Morris, and Nate Dykeman, all of who had an early morning bowling class together.” (11k, p.7412)