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Rampart Range

The Rampart Range video features Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Philip Duran, Mark Manes, and his girlfriend Jessica Miklich shooting various firearms at trees and bowling pins in a wooded area off the beaten path of Rampart Range, a now-defunct shooting range in Pike National Forest.

The portion of the video released to the public shows the group firing weapons on March 6, 1999. In the video, Harris and Klebold fire three of the four firearms used in the Columbine massacre: a sawn-off Savage 311-D 12 gauge side-by-side shotgun, an Intratec DC9M semiautomatic pistol, and a sawn off Savage-Springfield 67H pump action shotgun.

The fourth firearm used in the attack - a Hi-Point 995 carbine rifle - is not seen in the final video edit, but Miklich describes Harris shooting a rifle that matched the Hi-Point's description. It's likely that this firearm was on a portion of the tape that was cut.

"Harris and Klebold fired a rifle which Miklich described as being all black in color and resembling the description of a Highpoint rifle. Miklich said this was fired at a greater distance and appeared to be quite accurate." (11k, p.8177)

Firearms seen in this video:

  • .45 Desert Eagle
  • Mini-30 carbine
  • Intratec DC9M semiautomatic pistol
  • Sawn-off Savage 311-D 12 gauge side-by-side shotgun
  • Sawn off Savage-Springfield 67H pump action shotgun

Firearms edited out of this video:

  • Hi-Point 995 carbine rifle

American Dreams

American Dreams was filmed the morning of 4/19/99 and is known as the "Breakfast Run" video. This video was filmed for one of Dylan's school projects and features Eric Jackson, Dustin Gorton, Eric Harris, and Dylan Klebold. (11k, p.10736, 10770)

The film begins at Eric Jackson's house where Klebold runs out of the house, jumps into the passenger seat of Gorton's Chevy, and they take off down the street. The video then cuts to the interior of the car where Gorton is driving, Klebold is in the passenger seat, Harris in the backseat behind the driver, and Jackson is in the backseat behind Klebold filming. They drive to Burger King, where Harris orders Cinnaminis and jokes about having a little ketchup with his Cinnaminis. The video ends with them driving to Columbine High School and navigating through the student parking lot.

Where this video was recovered

This video tape was recovered from the left breast pocket of Dustin Gorton's jacket. (11k, p.10736, 10770)

  • Evidence #4541 Fuji 8mm video tape inside item #4513.
  • Evidence #4513 Black leather Wilson jacket (XLT) found in kitchen/cafe area. (FBI ERT, p.15724, 15705)

Radioactive Clothing

Where this video was recovered

CHS Highway Patrol

Where this video was recovered

Trench Coat Mafia: Hitman for Hire

Where this video was recovered

Formerly titled Revenge for Hire, this video depicts

This video features:

  • Eric Harris
  • Dylan Klebold
  • Eric Jackson
  • Eric Veik
  • Mike Vendegnia

Get Smart Parody

Where this video was recovered