Rachel Scott
Rachel Joy Scott's life
Rachel's death
Witnesses to Rachel Scott's death:
- Adam Thomas (11k, p.1216)
- Chris Clark (11k, p.746)
- Denny Rowe (11k, p.1118)
- Michael Johnson (11k, p.229)
- Janine Roberts (11k, p.1107)
- Patrice Doyle (11k, p.781)
- Wayne Depew (11k, p.7991)
Saw Rachel at the top of the stairs
- Alicia Deejniczak (11k, p.5067)
- Kathy Carlstadt (page needed)
- Matt Depew (El Paso 1-176)
- Tom O'Neil (11k, p.8439)
Evidence possibly linked to Rachel at the top of the stairs
- A piece of scalp (El Paso 20-231)
Saw Rachel on the stairs
- Jennifer Harmon (11k, p.6483)
- Witnesses who saw Rachel on the grass
- Michael Naifeh (El Paso 1-164)
- Seth Dubois (11k, p.2907)
Saw Rachel at the bottom of the stairs by the cafeteria
- Adam Thomas (El Paso 21-346)
- Jennifer Tyndall (11k, p.1225)
- John Cook (11k, p.756)
- Justin Alber (11k, p.2293)
- Lacey Hohn (11k, p.3342)
- Wade Frank (Denver Post interview 4-23-99)
Saw Rachel in the cafeteria
- Jessica Rosecrans (11k, p.4238)
- Cafeteria CCTV tape shows Rachel at the register at 11:22:30
- Tony Doty (11k, p.877)
Saw Rachel in or near the library
- Seth Dubois (El Paso 21-123)
Witnesses in the area Rachel was said to be, but did not see Rachel
- Brian Anderson (11k, p.184)
Witnesses who interacted with Rachel's body
- Vince DiManna (11k, p.8350)
- Harry Bloodsworth (11k, p.8317)