Splatter Punks
Who are the Splatter Punks?
- Matt Nalty [p.7543]
- Matt Akard [No interview available]
- Jim Brunetti [p.7434]
Appearance on Sally Jesse Raphael on April 30, 1999
Origin of "Splatterpunk"
According to Fangoria, the term "Splatterpunk" was coined in 1986 by David J. Schow at the Twelfth World Fantasy Convention in Providence, Rhode Island. It's a movement within the horror fiction genre that favors graphic and gory depictions of violence, including sexual violence. The idea of the Splatterpunk movement is to rebel against the way extreme violence is often merely implied, and show that violence instead. It's the most explicit gore you'll find in the horror genre.
Who saw the Splatter Punks?
Witnesses who may have seen the Splatter Punks at Columbine
- Nancy Lindsey [pp.976-980]
- Sally Hocker [pp.7510-7513]
Witnesses who saw the Splatter Punks after the shooting
Matt Lohrenz [p.1505]
From Lohrenz' interview:
"Matt said that he and Jen Weinman and Lauren Johnson, from the math hall, and his sister Stephanie (Lohrenz) drove over to the public library in Jen Weinman's car He said that they were outside the library and Man had seen his dad. Jim Lohrenz, and his older sister, Ashley Brenning and brother in law, Brian Brenning. Matt said that they were all standing around talking and he saw three people walking down Bowles., about 50 yards away He said that they were looking at the people and grinning. He said that he didn't see them laughing. He described one as wearing a plain white t-shirt, with red suspenders, carrying a black coat with an orange liner over his shoulders, possibly wearing black shorts. Matt described his hair as blonde in a pony tail. Matt said that the other two were about the same height and both had black coats, but he could not describe them any further.
Man Lohrenz said that he thought the three guys that were arrested on 04-20-99 were probably the same three he saw near the public library. He also thought that the one with the blonde pony tail was on the Sally Jesse Rafael show on 04-30-99. He said that he wasn't sure about the other two, because he really didn't get a good look at them." (Source: p.1505)