West Entrance Casualty
Witnesses saw a body in the West entrance
Several interviews point to a casualty in the middle of the West entrance double doors right by the library emergency exit at the top of the stairs. No injured party or deceased party was officially found in this area.
Rachel Scott and Richard Castaldo were sitting just outside the doors on the grass eating lunch when they were shot. At the time the following witnesses reported seeing a body in the West entrance, Castaldo had already been rescued and they specifically noted the bodies of Daniel Rohrbough and Rachel Scott being elsewhere, so they weren't confusing the two known dead bodies as being inside the West hallway.
Lt. Laura Vetos Englewood Fire Department [11k, p.7973]
"At that time we went down the outside stairs and placed a sheet over the dead male student lying there. We also finished covering the dead female student near the Littleton tire engine. We could see another student dead inside the west side double doors near the Library." (11k, p.7973)
Charlie Martinez Fire Engine 11 Operator [11k, pp.7944-7945]
"At the back of the school I noticed two students that were covered. We stretched the hose lines to the school and I think I could see one student lying in the hall of the school. We were told to back out because a bomb was found in a car in the parking lot for fear it could detonate." (11k, p.7945)
April Bornhoeft - student [11k, p.1448]
"Additionally, student April Bornhoeft said she ran into the hall and waited for about 15 minutes. She said she saw an individual wearing a white shirt and possibly suspenders. He was standing over a body that was not moving. The distance was approximately 10-15 feet. He had a small gun, but did not raise it towards her or her friend, Christine Roberts. The two then left the school and ran to Leawood Park." (11k, p.1448)
Note: there is no interview available for Christine Roberts.
Witnesses heard someone beg for their life in the West hall
Ashley Steele [11k, pp.2200-2202]
Steele was hiding in a science classroom.
From Steele's interview:
"This Investigator asked Steele if at any time, she ever saw any of the gunmen and she said no. At one point, she went to the sink and tried to get a drink of water. She heard one girl screaming in the hall, "Please don't shoot." Someone then said, "I don't give a damn." After this statement, Steele heard some shots. This occurred at about 1200 hrs." (11k, p.2201)
Stefanie Duffey [11k, pp.2916-2924]
Duffey was hiding in a science classroom.
From Duffy's interview:
"She said at one point, she heard the voice of someone pleading for their life and heard another voice say, "I don't care." (11k, p.2920)
Nancy Steggall [11k, p.9682]
From Shane Webster's section [11k, pp.9680-9684]
From notes concerning Steggall's interview:
"Science Ms. Mosier. Heard yelling 'Please no' & shots." (11k, p.9682)
Other witnesses to a science victim
There are several additional witnesses whose interviews suggest someone other than Dave Sanders was shot in the science hall. However, the only person we know of who begged for her life was Bree Pasquale and that occurred in the library. This was witnessed by multiple witnesses, including Rebecca Parker [11k, pp.509-518], Aaron Cohn [11k, pp.316-322].
It's possible that the sound of Pasquale's exchange traveled into the hallway, but the body in the hallway suggests this could have been a separate incident.
Nicole Janda [11k, pp.3374-3376]
Janda was in the science area storage room with Mr. Kraft.
From Janda's interview:
"At one point, she heard a girl screaming in the direction of the main hallway outside the science rooms." (11k, p.3377)
Angela Poleschook [11k, pp.5530-5535]
From Poleschook's interview:
"Poleschook stated that one of the girls, possibly Casey Stoner, looked outside the glass window in the door of the Publications room toward the science/math area. She stated that as Stoner looked outside she said, 'They're shooting people out there.'" (11k, p.5532)
Katie Crona [11k, p.9838]
Under Ralph Gallegos' section [11k, pp.9816-9842]
Crona was hiding in a science classroom.
From Crona's interview:
"She said that she was inside of a science class and had been there for about 10 min. when she heard screaming. She said that about 30 seconds later the ground shook and a kid ran in saying that she needed to hide because some kid was shooting. She said that she heard shotgun blasts. She said that she heard some kid outside of the classroom say, "Please don't shoot me please don't shoot me." She said she then heard shots." (11k, p.9838)
Blood spatter was found in the West hall
Blood spatter was found on the wall across from the science room (SCI-3) where Dave Sanders went into before he was moved to the storage room. You can see where the drywall was cut out of the wall and later displayed as evidence #1532 during the 2004 evidence exhibit. The photo is too poor quality to discern texture or thickness or even the direction of the spatter, so it's hard to guess where it came from. It's described as "spatter" and is clearly directional, so it's not a smear or transfer. This is a mystery.

Was a backpack mistaken for a body?
Some people have speculated that a backpack was mistaken for a dead body in the West hall.
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Lt. Laura Vetos' full statement
Officer Statement
April 29, 1999
Lt. Laura Vetos
Englewood Fire Department
Prepared For Littleton Fire Department
Regarding Columbine High School Tragedy, April 20, 1999
12:00 - First aware of shooting at high school while enroute to a fire call
13:00 - Asked to man station 12 in Littleton, turned back once we arrived and asked to respond from our district
13:30 -Called out on SWAT activation
14:15-Arrive Columbine High School on West Side near Library
Once on scene, my job as a medic for the SWAT team is to accompany them on any duties assigned, and provide medical help should it be required. Especially related to entry and possible victims trapped in unsecured areas or downed law enforcement personnel.
At the high school we began by assisting students and teachers being evacuated out to waiting transportation. We then assisted. Littleton fire with loading a wounded girl out of the library. We then helped secure the outside of the Gymnasium as there was a possibility of shots fired shortly before that. Denver SWAT came through the door shortly after that.
We then made entry into the Library when asked to help with another patient. Once in the Library we were told all victims were dead and asked to evacuate. At that time we went down the outside stairs and placed a sheet over the dead male student lying there. We also finished covering the dead female student near the Littleton tire engine. We could see another student dead inside the west side double doors near the Library. It was obvious there bad been a semi-automatic 9mm weapon used. I saw as well shotgun and 223 bullets strewn about the exterior.
There were backpacks, shoes and various clothing strewn about from the stairs to the entrance we manned on the NW corner of the Library.
After that we assisted with placing police tape, digging out the Littleton engine and car search. I left at that time as I was need as a fire officer back in our district.
cc: Kieth Lockwood, Division Chief, Englewood Fire
Gary Condreay, SWAT team commander, Englewood Police
Charlie Martinez' full statement
by Charlie Martinez (E11)
On Tuesday, April 20, 1999, I was assigned to work at Station 11, as driver/operator of Engine 11. At about 11:25 a.m., Station 11 was called out for a possible shooting at Columbine High School.
I responded with Captain Olsen and Firefighter Knudsen. Rescue 11 responded with Paramedic Aylward and Paramedic Fleming. Our route to Columbine High School was Bowles Ave. to S. Pierce St.
Turning onto Pierce St., I could see the students running across Clement Park from the high school. I turned Engine 11 just south of Leawood Dr. to block traffic on Pierce southbound.
When I exited the engine, I went to the park and met some of the students. They were hysterical and scared. The students told me there were two men at the back of the school (the West wise) and they were shooting at students. They stated they could see the smoke from the guns. I directed the students to go to the comer of the park and stay together. They said they were going home and I explained we needed them to stay together and to go to the corner of the park at Bowles and Pierce so we could keep track of them. When they went to the comer, the other students started following them.
A student came to me and told me there were two gunmen in black trench coats and they had guns, shotguns, and a description. I had him go talk to a Jefferson County Sheriff. Another student told me to warn the police that a Mr. Demanna (?) [Possibly SWAT officer Vincent Dimanna 11k, pp.8349-8352] was in the gym helping students to get out. I went back and told the sheriff this.
I went back to my engine and was informed that a SWAT team was assembled as was going to take the engine for cover. I offered to drive if they had a vest, and was told absolutely not. I showed one of the members the controls and brake system locations and how to work them. The SWAT team took Engine 11.
I then went and helped Rob from West Metro Fire keep track of rescues and ambulances coming in. We set up the area for their staging. I also helped keep track of units going in and transporting destinations. I was then put with a Denver General crew and a Dr. Caldwell (?) [Dr. Christopher Colwell]. After a short time, l was then put with Rescue 11's crew of Monte Fleming, John Aylward, and Ryan Knutsen.
We went in and took Patrick Ireland and a Denver investigator to St. Anthony's Hospital. After we returned from St. Anthony's we waited in staging area. While we waited, I went with another Denver investigator, Henry, to get some vests for him and some other investigators.
When I returned with Henry, I noticed that Engine 11 was returned. I went and checked the engine over, and saw Captain Olsen and Firefighter Knutsen and advised him the engine was back. We returned to the engine as a crew. An engine was needed at the back of the school to assist the Bomb Squad. Engine 11 was sent to assist the Bomb Squad in the event there was a fire. At the back of the school we set up and laid out 200' of 1-3/4" hose.
At the back of the school I noticed two students that were covered. We stretched the hose lines to the school and I think I could see one student lying in the hall of the school. We were told to back out because a bomb was found in a car in the parking lot for fear it could detonate.
I stayed by the engine while the bomb squad dealt with a bomb in the car with a water canon and robot. I watch as they unloaded a lot of gas and explosive devices from the car.
About this time we were waiting for a unit to come back to provide lighting. The unit came and other personnel, that was when we were told...
I'm not sure of the time span that I spent in each area, I've told about. But l think we were relieved and left the back of the school around 9:00 p.m.